

Zionist Jew Religious War
Against Islam in Full Swing:

Win a Free Trip from Israel to Condi's



A prisoner of war held in a Shi'i Islamic State (called a "hostage" by the Western press):


She is being subjected to the famous Islamic torture called "head covering"which is typically followed by being fed a delicious meal of Iranian grub and being forced to use FLATBREAD instead of utensils as well as being "paraded in front of cameras" and being forced to write letters "forced confessions" of being treated like a human being and having made the mistake of following orders to violate Iranian international waters.

The same POW in a Non Islamic institution run by the US Government (termed a "detainee" by the same Western press):


He is being subjected to the famous electrocution treatment after having been sodomized and photographed naked with dogs. Collectively it is called "Waterboarding". Prior to the Iraqi and Afghanistan invasions, the US military machine received extensive training from the ISRAELI government and the MOSSAD to learn how to torture "the old fashioned way" that is found in the Old Testament and included using hot coals on the eyes, eating human excrement and rape.

The British incursion into a highly problematic area is but the latest in a series of provocations, including Western-sponsored terrorist attacks inside Iran. U.S. aid to pro-al Qaeda elements operating inside Lebanon, as a counterbalance to Hezbollah's growing influence, is inexplicable except as part of a new strategy to neutralize Iranian assets in the region. The battle is being extended into the heart of the mullahs' realm by inciting national and religious minorities within the country: Azeris, Sunnis (including groups associated with Osama bin Laden), and, of course, the ever-useful Kurds, America's Middle Eastern Janissaries.

"It defies physics." - Rosie O'Donnell*

The Immunity

[9.43] Allah pardon you! Why did you give them leave until those who spoke the truth had become manifest to you and you had known the liars? - The Glorious Qur'an


The U.S. public, solidly behind President George W. Bush, overwhelmingly favors a military assault on Afghanistan and supports such action even if it would lead to the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, two polls revealed.A poll conducted by Newsweek showed that 71% of Americans support a military strike on bases in Afghanistan, while a similar poll by the New York Times and CBS television showed that 85% of respondents favor military action against those responsible, Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported Sunday.An even greater majority - 82%, according to the Newsweek survey - say additional terrorist attacks on U.S. targets are either very likely, or somewhat likely, in the near future.In the CBS poll, approval for a military strike, even if innocent people abroad were to lose their lives, ranked at 75%.Seventy-four percent of those responding said they thought Americans would have to give up some of their personal freedoms to make the country safer against the threat of terrorism, said AFP. Though many Americans say they would not want to see Muslims and Arab-Americans placed under surveillance, they still oppose easing restrictions on the ability of law enforcement authorities to monitor private phone calls and e-mails, the CBS poll said, AFP reported.

What a riot.

You know, one of the things we "muslims" could never say out loud is that we knew that Israel had a role in 9/11. It led us to play a role as trying to cooperate with what we were forced to accept (by Americans) was "our fault" i.e. Osama bin Laden and those NINETEEN suicidalists. One wonders, since it wasn't NINETEEN and in fact this number NINETEEN was arrived at within hours of the controlled demolition of the WTC occurred, and in fact there weren't NINETEEN...one wonders why they didn't say TWENTY THREE since they were planning the release of their mind f**k (as described by Jim Carey) movie titled:


..why didn't they accuse twenty three bombers?

Nineteen. What a great number. And what a great parody. I find it all amusing and distressing to say the least. Laughing and crying as the sewage pours out into the inhumanely populated ghetto called the GAZA STRIP where Israel does what it likes, kills who it likes and coerces Americans to die for their benefit.

Go to hell. And laugh with Rosie O'Donnell as the most influential hostess there remains silent as a Church Mouse. Israel knows the predicament she is in. Don't fool yourselves.

*Imagine if a poet such as Amiri Baraka suggested that Israel was involved in the WTC said such a thing as Israelis who worked in the buildings received a two hour warning (reported in Ha'aretz, an ISRAELI newspaper)? Imagine what would happen to a poet such as that.

Imagine what would happen if I said that America's ally Israel was in fact, America's Boss. America's Big Daddy and that US taxpayers fund genocide. What a riot that would have been had I told the truth to the morons I knew back then.

Imagine instead what would have happened had I tried to teach them how to save their own souls. Now that would have been the real crime. I ought to know because they taught me a lesson: Don't trust anyone but the Creator because most poeple will let you down. Most if not practically ALL.

Sura* (proof) 100 known as The Chargers

By the (Steeds) that run, with panting (breath),
And strike sparks of fire,
And push home the charge in the morning,
And raise the dust in clouds the while,
And penetrate forthwith into the midst (of the foe) en masse;-
Truly man is, to his Lord, ungrateful;
And to that (fact) he bears witness (by his deeds);
And violent is he in his love of wealth.
Does he not know,- when that

which is in the graves is scattered abroad
And that which is (locked up)

in (human) breasts is made manifest-
That their Lord had been Well

-acquainted with them, (even to) that Day?

*Sura is the Arabic word for PROOF. All verses in the Qur'an are known collectively as The Proofs and each and every one is designed to make the truth manifest to a person regardless of their language, color or gender over time. I assure you, the "Jews" are not immune from these manifestations but they have much to hide over time and have convinced a large number of people in the world that they do not know what Allah said to them via the last Hebrew prophet known as Mohamed (SAW). Imagine the fear and terror they have in their breasts at this point in time when the world is on the verge of discovering their refusal to follow the command of the Creator who dubbed them "The Chosen People" not in one sacred text but in all three? Terror is in the eye of the beholder and they are definitely the victims of terror but the kind that comes as a manifestation of their own horrific error of deceiving people about many things not the least of which is the Holocaust.

The Pharoah that did this to them i.e. wanted them to bow to his will prior to the will of Allah was no different and ultimately met a very bitter end. Those days are over though now...no more prophets and no more chances. It is sink or swim. It is the parable of the Ark.

And while Americans were busy crying over spilled milk, Israel escalated the final solution they are planning for the muslims in their midst from whom they stole the entire state of Israel:




There is no such thing as "alcoholism". By definition, alcoholism is a condition in which some people can drink alcohol without experiencing deleterious effects and others cannot (alcoholics). Fact is, no one can drink alcohol without having deleterious effects.

Alcoholism and the treatment of it is a ruse and conditions people to accept drinking when in fact, it is bad for everyone. Imagine though what would happen to the industry and everything that it entails (from the Super Bowl to New Year's Eve to the Academy Awards to nightclubs)...the economy would collapse if in fact...people were told the truth.

One of the things that makes it mostly impossible for "alcoholics" to ever experience this thing mistakenly called a "cure"...is that they are made to feel that they are somehow less "moral" and "weak" than all those other lovely people in the world who enjoy drinking "responsibly". Not only that, in order to maintain this ruse of alcoholism, they condition millions of people to teach their children that their family (or someone else's) has this genetic predisposition to drink...basically....it becomes a self fufilling prophecy. Whole families get a label of being members of a club called Adult Children of Alcoholics. These so called "Children" of alcoholics are taught that whether they like it or not..they will most likely suffer the same fate and become alcoholics themselves.

Sure...there are problems associated with the so called disease of "alcoholism" but they are all self inflicted with the help of this horrible myth that is perpetrated for the sole purpose of keeping people drinking i.e. responsibly.

Imagine the notion of people "smoking" responsibly. 'They" don't advise that and mainly because smoking does not make a person weak intellectually (one of the secondary gains the government gets from keeping people drunk) but it does end up costing the state billions of dollars in health care costs. Alcohol on the other hand is WORTH the health care problems it causes because it keeps people stupid i.e. easy to oppress and easy to lie to about a variety of things including war.

Same goes for drug use but because it it illegal (for now...in many states personal use marijuana is now legal)...it costs the state money to incarcerate "criminal" users. Fact is however, the US government is not really incarcerating people for drug use and when they do, it is for very limited amounts of time.

When my other brother...the homeless addicted one...was incarcerated for possession of COCAINE a few months ago..the charges were dropped. They had no interest in keeping a cocaine addict off the street (where he sleeps) in order to either protect society or punish him for violating the law. In fact, they told me up front that they cannot "house" this ever increasing population of drug addicts saying basically (not in so many words) that prisons have become temporary homeless shelters but not long term facilities whose goal is either punishment or rehabilitation.

In the US...prisons are used by major corporations to provide them with cheap labor. Prisoners in the US do a wide range of jobs for pennies an hour...everything from packaging software to lawn maintenance at public facilities to making airline reservations for travel companies. I'm not kidding you here...this is all true. And the facts of the matter are that drug addicts are so useless that prisons have no use for them either...they aren't good "employees". As well, prison employment services aid companies in the US in circumventing labor laws and union guidelines.

But no...there is no such thing as "alcoholism". That is a lie. It is bad for everyone be they muslim or not and regardless of their family history.

I ought to know. I used to believe in that myth. When I was shown that alcohol is strictly forbidden in Islam, it "cured" me but not because I had a disease. Instead I was given a MISUNDERSTANDING by the society itself.

When a person realizes this and they are muslim, they will naturally choose their Islam over the beer. It is THAT EASY.

Think about it: the myth that "there is no cure" and "alcoholics are never cured"...this is the myth that is perpetrated all over the world.

You cannot find a cure or obtain a cure for a disease that does not exist.

When the prophet said: There is a cure for every disease....it is true. If a thing is curable, there is a cure. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking either that there is no cure yet for AIDS.

In an ideal world where all people follow the rules given to them by the Creator and reserve sex as an activity that can only be enjoyed within the marital framework, there would be NO:

unwed teenage mothers
sexually transmitted diseases
epidemic "need" for abortions as a means of birth control

Period. Of course, that isn't going to happen (not saying it never will) but when a significantly large number of people accept that the rules are meant to help a person "guard against evil" there will be massive social change.

Due to the overwhelming influence of a small proportion of the people on the planet (the WEST) , this change is being stifled. In the media, the West spreads these horrendous rumours.

The West is however, beginning to face the music. I saw on a news program a host stating the statistic that over 80% of all crimes are committed while "under the influence". On yet another, they decried that 45% of all American teens are now BINGE DRINKING. In this small town I am in now (population only 5,000) there are currently NINETEEN pregnant, unwed girls attending the high school..this doesn't even tell us how many other girls have already had to have abortions or been treated for sexually transmitted diseases..that is an unknown.

That is the part where the Quran cautions a person: willingly or unwillingly.

The West is following Islam but unwillingly. That is the type when people ignore the cautions and instead, enjoy the consequences of their neglect.

Alcohol and anything else like eating or smoking or nail biting is HABITUAL. When a person replaces those habits with better ones like praying, fasting or just thinking about Islam, Allah, the Quran...guess what? Things get "cured" as if by magic but the truth be told...it isn't magic at all. It is simply following the advice that was given by the best advice giver of all.

**Unfortunately, AIDS is already here and it was not caused by sexual misconduct in the beginning. It is suggested that it was introduced as an "unknown" retrovirus back in the 1950s to a group of people in Central Africa on whom a pharmaceutical company was testing its new polio vaccine and hence it is the epicenter of the epidemic. The monkey kidneys that were used as a medium to produce the vaccine contained several unknown agents called as a group retroviruses that were not considered a threat in light of the actual threat that polio was presenting at the time...so those retroviruses were ignored. AIDS is passed from mother to child in the breast milk and common maternal blood circulation prenatally. Preventing AIDS by saying it can be prevented by using condoms is yet another myth as AIDS is here and is a consequence of human error and the rush to cure polio and cannot be said to be an "intentional" error. As well, it has unfortunately been linked to homosexuality. Even though it can and is transmitted that way it isn't the cause of the disease itself. The introduction of the retrovirus to the AFRICAN population however was intentional on the level that they preferred to test their vaccine on people who were uneducated and not likely to complain if things didn't work out the way they hoped that they would. They did get their so called cure from polio (which is not curable as it exists in a "wild" form that is constantly mutating and recurring in the polio crops found around the world) but they also got something else. They got the reward of introducing a disease that is communicable sexually. And in that, because the West is sexually a very sick society (from pedophilia to adultery to any number of deviances) it became a victim of its own action of perpetrating an "unintentional" crime against the people of Central Africa.

I know this because it was written about many years ago in a magazine called Rolling Stone by the writer PJ O'Rourke...a well known popular journalist. The story was then buried and has remained buried ever since. Imagine the liability that the pharmaceutical company would have to endure and the scientists involved in the "project". Similar to Einstein's involvement in the creation of the atom bomb for which he spent the rest of his life (after Hiroshima/Nagasaki) apologizing for and fighting against nuclear weapons.


Heh. Does he realize however that the fact that he is the leader of a group of people taught to reject Allah and Allah's last apostle that he will be one of the first in line? The Pope and his entourage of religious experts teach people the ludicrous notion that a human being was GOD and that human being (Jesus Christ, Isa SAW) has all kinds of strange powers like forgiving sins and suffering for our sins (hence, we can do as we like because Isa already paid the price).....religious scholars are said to be penalized much more severely when they lie about Allah, the Creation and the Prophets plus their teachings and sacred texts.

Does the Pope realize he very well may be sentenced to hell for all eternity?

I doubt it. Blind as a friggin bat.






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The Winograd Committee


In light the committee's past record on the subject of transparency, it would be improper for its members to involve themselves in determining the scope of the publications. They should leave that up to the military censorship. For their part, the censors should be aware of the special public significance the subject carries, and of its importance to our national survival. They should know that in case of doubt, the margin of error must not come at the expense of the Freedom of Information Law.

Transparency? Israel?

Well, the case has always been clear to me and an ever increasing number of literate and illiterate people around the world are beginning to realize that Israel is a racist state which practices genocide and ethnic cleansing. I mean come on now people..the state of Israel was founded on land gained from murdering and expelling the residents of Palestine.

Go to MARS Israeli citizens, peaceful or not. Your state is a lie, based on lies and lies about just everything. You can run but you just can't hide.

Or, maybe you can!

They will not fight you (even) together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Strong is their fighting (spirit) amongst themselves: thou wouldst think they were united, but their hearts are divided: that is because they are a people devoid of wisdom.
The Number 19*

He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in Six Days, and is moreover firmly established on the Throne (of Authority). He knows what enters within the earth and what comes forth out of it, what comes down from heaven and what mounts up to it. And He is with you wheresoever ye may be. And Allah sees well all that ye do.

To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth: and all affairs are referred back to Allah.

Say wha?

Abjad Encoding called "Gematric Coding"

Al-Hadid is the 57th chapter (Sura), in order from the beginning of the Qur'an. Each letter of the Arabic alphabet is given an Abjad value. If one takes the words "Al-Hadid" and adds up all of the Arabic letters using Abjad, he will find that the sum is 57, the same number as the Sura.

Verse 25 has the 26th reference to Allah from the beginning of the Sura. Miraculously, 26 is the atomic number for iron. Each chemical element has its unique atomic number. Also, the singular word Hadid adds up to 26 when using the Abjad numerical system.

So...you think the prophet Mohamed, SAW was an amateur chemist?

I think....that he wasn't.

Most think he was basically.....illiterate. I however just think he wasn't a poet yet...yet...he RECITED a very complex poem you see. Very complex. A poem to make Ron Silliman blush at his own simplicity of building sentences into something called, er...the New Sentence? Dear me.

If we pretend = 60/19, then a radius of 57 gives a circumference of exactly 360. What is meant by this allegory?

Easy enough. Pi is an irrational number which is noted using a Greek letter (pseudo abjad system) that equals roughly 3.14. If you choose to round it off, you cannot because Pi is an infinitely repeating decimal. If however you use the formula 60/19, you will find that for the Quranic "circle" with a radius of 57 (the Sura Iron at the epicenter so to speak) you get a repeating decimal of 3.111111111111111. 19 squared however, leaves you with a circle that has 361 degrees, a bit less accurate but all the same, close enough for this governments work. Particularly in light of:

19 terms are required in the Gregory-Leibniz series, i.e., 4(1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - ...), for the first appearance of "3.1" in the decimal expansion of Pi .

19 x 19 = 361 and 3*6+1 = 19.

"So easy even a Caveman can do it." Geico Car Insurance advert

*DISCLAIMER: The prime number 19 is a proof for NON MUSLIMS, not us. We already believe. All information regarding numerical proofs is given for the cavemen who read here.
The Number 23

...hahaha...a movie trailer. A movie about the prime number 23 created in Hollywood by the Hollywoodians which is a religious subsect of Islam.


Boycott it.

Oh and this is rather amusing:


I think I'll tape one and call it:

Go to Hell.

Jim Carey on the murder of Dr. Rashid Khalifa:



Not sure whether to laugh or cry over that one. It's only too sad that people today are so incredibly vacuous and raising such vacuous children. Oh well, the meek shall inherit the earth regardless of AIMS testing.
What About Mars?

No more problems says the package
the cure came in, no more
warning labels and the price tag
no longer legible. It began
with flashy children and fast cars
then people started talking
about the leftover stuff
after the move out,
wondered what would happen
to the crystal ball and Japanese flag.
Where to put Mars now?
Whose house next?
Judaism Versus Palestinianism


". . . I am a Jew.
Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with
the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject
to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means,
warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer,
as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you
poison us, shall we not die?"
(III, i, 58-66)

Shylock. Yea. Right.

16:123 So We have taught thee the inspired (Message), "Follow the ways of Abraham the Hanifa*, and he joined not gods with Allah."

The second citation is from the sura which deals mostly with genetics and EUGENICS called merely, The Bee.

Hmm, yes and Eve had no navel. Problem is, the Jews (Hanifas*) were offered a deal by Allah called "The Covenant" in which they promised to accept the prophets of Allah's choice. It has less to do with the actual assassination of prophets and more to do with the acceptance of Allah's dictates when referring to a group of people called "The Jews" who are loyal to their ethnicity as opposed to loyal to their Creator.

Way back when, the hanifa* known as the patriarch Abraham (SAW) found his wife Sarah (pbuh) to be barren, the couple decided to have him father a child with her maidservant, an African woman named Hagar(pbuh). This child is the great grand-daddy of all the Arab tribes who was given the name Ismael(pbuh). It was this son, the FIRST BORN son of the Hebrew prophet (noting that the Y chromosome is passed unchanged to the son as opposed to the X which is not) that was offered for sacrifice at the Ka'aba in Mecca.

The Bible stories relate that it was Isaac but this makes no sense as it would be highly unusual for a prophet to offer a second born son unless the prophet had been tricked as was the case with Essau (pbuh) which is a story from the Tanakh. And truth be told, Sarah requested that Hagar and her infant son Ismael be sent far away from Abraham and herself because she couldn't handle the fact that she had not produced the prophet Abraham with a son.

Most Bibles relate that Hagar herself decided to leave but this makes no sense either not to mention the fact that if a person wants to leave, they do not make an exodus to the first and dryest desert they can find i.e. Mecca. Abraham took Hagar(who was most likely a black woman) there to the ancient well that was buried (and perhaps he had knowledge of this). The well is called Zam Zam and has been known to be buried and rediscovered several times. Prior to the birth of the last HEBREW prophet Mohamed (SAW)...and yes....genetically speaking the Ismailis are all Hebrew.....the well had been filled with numerous swords including the swords of David (SAW) and Solomon (SAW). The great grandfather of the prophet and great grand father of the prophet's right hand man (Emir Ali abi Taleb,pbuh) had a dream about the well and the swords it contained. He wanted his son to dig up the well (he was directed to do so in the dream) to retrieve the swords but he was unable to do that because he only had one son at the time (this was a couple generations before the birth of either man, Ali (pbuh) or Mohamed (SAW). The residents of Mecca where the well is located had lapsed into idol worship (yet again) and would have fought him over this act. When he eventually married other women who provided for him numerous sons, he was able to retrieve these swords which are currently on display at the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul and claim the right he knew his lineage possessed as leaders of the Hebrew-Ismaeli people (as well, it is said they knew they were also the lineage of the Hebrews that would produce the last prophet i.e. the Messiah).

These swords are inscribed with the names of each owner and if you ask me, are incredibly important religious artifacts. Forget the Shroud of Turin (which in fact may have been the burial cloth of Yehye (SAW) which the Hebrew scholars used to check daily prior to the birth of Mohamed (SAW) to see if it was "weeping blood" because they knew that when it did, it was a signal that the last prophet was to be born and it did begin weeping in the days preceeding the prophet's birth)....forget that.

Those swords are the swords* which you find on the Saudi Arabian flag. They belong to the leaders of Monotheism and in particular, the type of Monotheism which is called Islam. A distinct form of it and not open for all sorts of comparisons and likenesses. Islam isn't what you can call an imitative type of religion or one that shares authority with other ideologies. In fact, it isn't an ideology...it is from Allah. Not from human hands. It is both the first religion and last religion, the great grand daddy of religion AND the great grand son. It is the religion i.e. Criterion with which the universe and all that is in it was created and it is the Criterion which describes the destruction of same. It is not only all encompassing in terms of human matters but in terms of animal and plant matters, Milky Way matters and the Speed of Light matters.

Islam does rely on some of the ancient texts and details found in places such as the "Bible" and the "Torah" but noting that neither of those texts exists in its original language nor is either one complete and authoritative. Why, just in the past few years a new Bible has been issued and declared the "Authoritative" edition. It is called The New Jerusalem Bible. I find it quite helpful but I also take it with a grain of salt. This is the linguistic basis for the proofs (called Ayat) in the Quran which demonstrate what a poem can do and what a poet cannot do.

How many poets can write a Quran which is not only an index to theology, biology, genetics, folklore, astrophysics, luminescence, etc etc etc and make it such that it makes absolute numerical sense when read as a gematric table? And btw, the Hebrews do have bits and pieces from the more or less "original" texts handed down via a variety of oral and written traditions. They analyse these numerically as well to determine the hidden meanings and relationships of words "as they appeared" then, not as they appear now in English which we all must know, is not a numerical system. Furthermore, Islam is actually an ORAL tradition. The actual recording of the text onto paper is considered a secondary line of preservation. The Quran was memorized by the early muslims and by thousands of them. To this day it is recited and to make mistakes when reciting it is obvious even to a non Arabic speaker like me. After all, it rhymes besides the fact that it makes sense on such an incredible number of levels.

The "Jews" (which actually refers to the Hebrews and what you might call, the Hanifa's i.e. upright people (as in the case of Abraham, SAW)) ...the Hanifas who did follow the law delivered by Moses (Musa, SAW) and resusitated by Jesus (Isa, SAW) ..they followed it and taught it....up until there was this ethnocentric squabble between the two camps: the unauthorized followers of Jesus known as "Christians" and the Wahhabi type sect of Hebrews called the Pharisees...a squabble regarding the authority that goes along with being a member of the actual tribe or family from which a prophet originates.

Thing is, they forgot that Abraham was everyone's great great grand daddy.

But not us. The Quran relates this genetic line quite clearly and the logic of the eugenics and natural selection of Allah. The Arabs actually are the "safekeepers" of the language and text...policemen of sorts....but the fact is....we all come from Adam and Eve. There are not other "species" with special religious frameworks. There is only one religion and it is called Islam.

All other religions are merely sects of Islamic Monotheism and in the case of "Judaism" it is a sect of ethnocentric people who are truly out of touch with Allah.

I continue to not only invite Jews to Islam but I hasten to say: I strongly encourage you to accept it as so many of your previous generations did who are now called:

Jordanians, Egyptians, Yemenis*, Palestinians, Kurds, etc etc etc.

Afterall, a person selects their faith but they have nothing to say about their Y chromosome analyses. Judaism is named after the Jews, Hinduism is a class system of unknown origin with ethnic precursors, Buddism is named after a human being.

There is only one religion. It is called Islam. It is the religion of natural causes based on the Creation itself and is named simply:


And some people on this planet just fail to see the necessity of that nor do they realize Islam is not the religion of the Arab-Hebrew-Hanifa-Arabs, but the religion of all people for all times...it just happened to be delivered in ONE language and that language is Arabic. No more and no less. And by all means, it was spread with the sword and by jihad. Like this Jihad of mine called spreading the logic of the truth.


The al-Battar sword was taken by the prophet Muhammad as booty from the Banu Qaynaqa. It is called the "sword of the prophets" and is inscribed in Arabic with the names of David, Solomon, Moses, Aaron, Joshua, Zechariah, John, Jesus, and Muhammad. It also has a drawing of King David when cut off the head of Goliath to whom this sword had belonged originally. The sword also features an inscription which has been identified as Nabataean writing.

*The Shi'i SAYYEDS are literally the grandchildren of the prophet and any one of them (like SAYYED Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah who has defeated Israel not once but thrice in "Divine" victories that defy logical explanation to non believers) can be genetically tested and found to have the same Y chromosomes within their ranks, the same Y chromosome of the Hanifas. THIS is their power and it isn't a power that is liimited to nuclear weapons of mass destruction like those of the kafr. Other Shi'i like myself are simply followers of the family of the prophet called the "Ahlul Bayt" i.e. "House/family" of the prophet. The Shi'i SAYYEDS are recognizable as they wear a BLACK TURBAN. No one dares wear it except those with a known blood relationship and hence, Y chromosomal relationship, to the Prophets i.e. Hanifas.


The Mysterious Account
of Miriam's (pbuh) Temple Stay
(subtitled: Putting the Da Vinci Code Myth to Rest, among others please see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_holy_grails)

Ah! Ye are those who fell to disputing (Even) in matters of which ye had some knowledge! but why dispute ye in matters of which ye have no knowledge? It is Allah Who knows, and ye who know not! Quran, 3:66

Why is the Sura about the Virgin Mary (Miriam, pbuh) the 19th Sura?

I have often wondered about that. The sura itself is an outright declaration of her role in all of this long winding tale of humanity's most major religious predecessors i.e. the "family" tree of the prophets. It appears that Miriam (the Virgin Mary, pbuh) was sequestered in the Hebrew temple during prepubescence/pubescence to control who would father the prophet that the rabbis were on watch for (it is noted that whenever a prophet was to be born, the Hebrew scholars knew about it as they had certain knowledges which had been handed down through the ages). In the Bible Miriam's 'husband' Joseph iselevated to the status of being from the line of David (Dawood, SAW) ..... but really folks, use your OWN noggins. What significance is he (Joseph,pbuh) if the prophet Jesus (Isa, SAW) is said to have been 'immaculately conceived' (per the Christian and Muslim accounts)? Jews on the other hand, denied Isa (Jesus, SAW) was anything other than "Raboni" or 'teacher'.

Why the discrepancy? This is one major paternity suit if you ask me. It has led to wars, famines, bloodshed and the "creation" of a whole branch of religion not authorized to exist in ANY sacred text: Christianity which more or less falls within the type of fellowship that believes Jesus (a human being) was synonomous with God (although there are exceptions in certain sects like the Copts and Orthodox). Not to mention it is the reason for the creation of a state within muslim lands for one type of ethnic people: The Jews which was established by the other confused party, the Christians. And the reason we are now in a state of perhaps, no turning back. A war to end all wars. Hopefully, the outcome will be favorable to human survival. Or maybe not!

It appears to me that when Miriam (pbuh) was sequestered to isolate her from potential "mates" in the Hebrew temple, it was a means of controlling the lineage of prophets by handpicking the father of her child. Guess what? She turned up pregant even though the only contact she had with anyone at all was the contact she had with the prophet Zachariah (pbuh, the father of St. John the Baptist i.e. Yehye, SAW) who was a short time later into the drama, murdered on the Temple stairs in cold blood. It is interesting to note that when Yehye is mentioned in the Quran, we are told that it is the first time in history that the name "Yehye" was conferred upon any prophet whereas his father's name "Zacharaiah" was a common name amongst prophets and there are at least a half dozen different "Zachariahs" mentioned in the Tanakha (Torah). Why the mention then? What is the importance of the double murder of Zachariah AND Yehye (John the Baptist) in relationship to a unique name i.e. Yehye?

(His prayer was answered): "O Zakariya! We give thee good news of a son: His name shall be Yahya: on none by that name have We conferred distinction before."

That fact and the placement of Miriam at "19" is a means of indicating the importance of this particular story in a canon (Tanakh, Injeel, Zabur, Quran) which contains thousands of personal dramas. This ONE drama in particular has an importance beyond any drama in any sacred text and as well, it is only the Quran that gives you these incredibly important and MISSING details which are found no where else. Were these details cleansed from what we call "the Bible"? No one knows really but I assure the reader, these are the missing pieces in the modern drama called "religion".

But the sects differ among themselves: and woe to the unbelievers because of the (coming) Judgment of a Momentous Day!

The manner (per Quran) in which Miriam was "assigned" a protector is notably significant in that the Quran tells us that the rabbis "drew straws" for her once she was assigned to stay sequestered in the temple. It isn't clear whether that means literally drawing straws for her as a means forassigning the right of fathering a child with her or simply as a means of assigning a "protector" for her from potential 'less than satisfactory' Hebrew suitors NOT of the known royal/divine lineage i.e. David/Solomon. In any event, it was Zachariah (murdered later per Bible lore) that pulled the odd straw which deemed him her "guardian". In the Quran we are told that Zachariah discovered Miriam in her room and that she has been supplied with food from somewhere . Because he is the only one (theoretically) in contact with her personally he questions from where she obtained the food to which she answered, "it is from Allah." Details regarding Miriam are also found elsewhere in the Quran but in particular in the fourth Sura called the Family of Imran (her father who was of known prophetic lineage but not of the direct lineage of David/Solomon).

The case of Miriam and her son Isa (Jesus, SAW) was the first time in Hebrew i.e. Torah history that a MAJOR prophet was born without a direct paternal lineage to the Hebrew prophets of David and Solomon (SAW). Perhaps this is the reason the Jews do not give Isa his "due" and the reason Christians remain so confused regarding his role in the astounding tale of religious and moral human history. Certainly it is the reason the "authors" of the Bible construct a lineage for Joseph without a logical reason to do so.

But why is her Sura given this most important place in the Quran at a position of 19?

It is because this is what divides the "believers" now? The ideas surrounding the birth and attempted assassignation of the next to last prophet is THE problem of modernity and modern religions. It is referred to in the Quran as "The Lie*".

Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!

At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin,

That they should invoke a son for (Allah) Most Gracious.

This is the significance (at least one of them) of the numerical order of the Sura "Miriam", i.e. Sura number 19:


*Note: It is "illegal" for me to deliver facts that are not actually mentioned directly in the Quran. In this case, the reason for the "drawing of straws" is not given but we are allowed to deduce a few facts from this detail. Using one's logic to do this is called Itjihad. This applies also to the mention of "The Lie". The Lie is mentioned but not in the sense that the Quran reveals "THIS is the Lie". There is however no other thing in my estimation that constitutes such a weighty predicament for all believers of any stripe and relegates it to the status of being something that establishes a "fact" when in fact, the whole case of prophets and the three major contenders centers around this extremely important misconception regarding Jesus Christ i.e. Isa (SAW).

**Using citations such as "pbuh" or "SAW" is a means of giving respect to notable persons (pbuh) and prophets (SAW) and a means of distinguishing one from the other. For instance, Yehye was a prophet and is noted by using SAW after his name whereas Miriam is not a prophet but a person who is given recognition of her role by wishing "peace be upon her" whenever writing her name. Unlike other believers who mock prophets in the media, muslims are required to note the respect they have for these important historical figures.

***The word derives from the Arabic verbal root jahada "struggle", the same root as that of jihad; the it is inserted because the word is a derived stem VIII verb. The common etymology is worth noting, as both words touch on the concepts of struggle or effort. In the case of form VIII verbs, this means to "struggle with oneself", as through deep thought. Itjihad is a method of legal reasoning that does not rely on the traditional schools of jurisprudence, or madhabs.

****The "unique" nature of mentioning Yehye's (SAW)name in conjunction with the other details perhaps involves the notion that of all the mentioned prophets (out of a pool of some 40,000+) it is only Jesus (Isa, SAW) and Adam (Adam, SAW) who were created WITHOUT sperm. In other words, the 19th Sura is unique in a number of ways including one of naming names and defining similarities. This can only be reasoned and is not necessarily why it is the case. I think though it makes sense but reserve that it could also have other implications. It is said that the Quran can be read on seven levels of interpretation. I probably only know of four of them.

*****Islamic Factoid: Jesus (Isa, SAW) was not crucified. He hasn't died but was 'taken away' for the time being. It is precisely this distinction (besides the honor muslims assign to ALL prophets from beginning (Adam, SAW) to end (Mohamed, SAW) that makes a muslim more than a mere monotheist. A muslim is a very specific thing and shares some things in common with other 'sects" of monotheism (like circumcision, kosherism, belief in angels, etc). NO sect however except for Islam accepts the Quran and the role of last prophet.
Charlie the Unicorn

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Cambridge is their church and Darwin is their pastor.

....and I tell you:

Darwin is DEAD.

Teaching Islam To Nonbelievers

The Abundance (Kawther)

To thee have We granted the Fount (of Abundance).

Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.

For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off (from Future Hope).

I have been leading a series of lectures in Bisbee for nearly seven weeks now. My goal was to dispel some of the misconceptions people have about Islam. I also stated that my goal was not to "convert" the students in my lecture series but in that, I know that Islam itself is a system of Allah choosing whom Allah will and if something I say to my students leads them to further investigation and 'conversion', then so be it, the seed of belief was already in them, the notorious MUSTARD SEED. I told them early on about what my bias is and asked them to consider their own. My bias is that I do believe the Quran is the Word of Allah and nothing less, that I take it LITERALLY and I did my best to relate to them the logic of that. The logic of that is based in the Arabic language as the transmission mode of what the Quran refers to as "the communications" of Allah or "Our communications" as it is worded verbatim in the text.

What I've found is that the American society is far away from belief. It is far astray in terms that most people have a very, very difficult time conceiving of a Creator let alone the Angels and the Djinn. I have been really challenged over the weeks by my students because they can become irritated at what it is I have to say. They apparently do not understand that I am not the one saying it....Allah is the one saying it...in the Quran and those communications follow a distinct logic. The problem however with my students overall (with the exception of the believers in the group) is that the unbelievers (athiests and so called "agnostics") is that they possess the FIRST BIAS. The First Bias as I like to call it is that they do not believe in Allah or God (whatever word you choose to use). The first thing a person needs to UNDERSTAND the logic of the Quran is this simple belief and it is contained in the Shehada which is the statement of "WITNESS" a person makes when actually accepting/embracing Islam as a way of life:

"There is only one 'ilah (ALLAH) and he has no sons and no partners and his messenger and prophet is Mohamed". What distinguishes a monotheist from a muslim is the second part of that statement i.e. that Mohamed (SAW) is the messenger and prophet of Allah. It is also what distinguishes other "types" of believers i.e. Christians/Jews/Others from muslims. A muslim is a DISTINCT type of believer but not one that ignores the existence of other types which never accepted the communications i.e. the QURAN and accepted it as the actual word of Allah. Let alone what distinguishes a Jew from all other types of believers that accepted the next to last prophet, Jesus (Isa, SAW) and hence, they are the focus of much of Allah's attention in the Quran as complete and serial rejectors of the prophets (who all originated in the genetic Hebrew bloodline). Due to the fact that Allah "chose" them above all others (Allah chooses whom Allah will) then they are in a very serious bind when it comes to the communications. Not from me but from Allah.

My group of students is composed of one fundamentalist Christian (and anti Arab believer - a teacher from the high school), one non practicing Jew (who is very Jewish in an ethnic sense but not a religious one), one woman who desires to accept Islam, another woman who is "Islam" friendly and inquisitive, a man who has never declared to be anything really but seems to want to be something, and yet another who seems to be interested in Islam from either a historical perspective or simply one for entertainment's sake and last but not least, a Canook who left a fundamentalist background for a "universalist" one but cannot conceive of the linkage between science (nature) and religion let alone politics and the all encompassing view Islam has of humanity and the societies in which we exist in together.

Out of all the lectures I have given, it was the last one that provided for me the biggest challenge overall. It was the lecture that questions what the Quran has to say about genetics versus what Darwin had to say and how Darwin's view has become obsolete even to non believing laboratory scientists. It is the case that Darwinism and all of it that Darwinism entails as a basis for societal/political practices has caused most of the disruption in the "God Beliefs" of people in Western society in my opionion and in the opinion of the Turkish muslim philosopher, Harun Yehye. In fact, I was not in agreement with the manner in which Yehye promotes "anti Darwinism" but now that I have seen it up close and personal, I am a believer in Anti Darwinism. That is because Darwinism is taught as a 'religion' in the sense that it cannot be questioned and to question it is to become an "apostate" (kafir in Islamic terminology) to this Western society. Nothing that I can see has caused greater damage to the souls of humanity.

So when one of my students was confronted with my Darwinian challenges he asked, "So, you (muslims) do not believe in evolution?"

How can a person answer that? It isn't that muslims do not believe in evolution "per se" but is evolution really understood by the people who believe in it? Any more than Islam is understood by everyone who believes in that as well?

NO. It isn't. People seem to have confused the two things: Evolution and Adaptation.

Two different things entirely. Evolution is the COMPLETE change of one species into another regardless of the time span required for such a change. For example, evolutionists have promoted the idea that fish somehow turned completely into birds. This is truly laughable when you think about the steps required for fish to transform into land going beasts let alone, sky going and non water filtering respiratory creatures who build nests instead of deposit eggs on underwater grasses or by simply depositing them for the currents to carry this way and that. Forget the fact that fish had to learn to sit on their eggs and completely ignore that fish are COLD BLOODED and birds are WARM BLOODED. And why then are there still fish since we know that for things to evolve it is due to the EXTREME force exerted by the NEED to adapt to varying environmental changes? The list of rhetorical questions that refute the ludicrous concept of absolute evolution are quite long and I won't go into to them now. Hopefully, I wouldn't need to as people have brains and ought to investigate ALL of their beliefs (not just the ones they like either).

Adaptation though, is another matter altogether. Islam puts forth the argument that all body plans were initially created but Islam does not negate that those types of things experienced progress and vascillation through "stages" and sometimes were changed by complete changes (human beings) but that all human beings are of the same type (NOT apes/monkeys) but of different RACES which are now extinct. We humans tend to not think we are like the Dodo bird and can experience RACIAL/SPECIES SPECIFIC extinctions that are the results of the deleterious effects of HUMAN BEHAVIOR. Western systems tend to think that kind of thinking is "for the birds". Heh.

For instance, homoerectus whateveris (to paraphrase the lineages of bones discovered by the Leakey's et.al.), were simply like Eskimoes. And we know for a fact that these types of small indigenous cultures from the Aborigines to the Apaches...are at risk for not only "social" extinction but actual "genetic" extinction through intermarriage, language and social deterioration and disease (as would be the case with the serious genetic mishaps on the Arabian Peninsula where first cousin marriages are the norm and have known detrimental effects on the offspring of those individuals in terms of increasing the morbidity and mortality of specific populations i.e. Saudis the best example of that that I know of).

In a nutshell, it has become clear to me what was not clear before. The Quran states that most people will not "believe" and it is true. Most will not because most cannot as they have been given a serious handicap in their thinking by a significantly huge number of DARWIN FANATICS. Most people will not believe without the intervening periods of vast social change like the one we are experiencing now in which humans are forced (as the Quran states: willingly or unwillingly) to face the seriousness of following a certain set of dictates NOT of human origin but of DIVINE origin.

It does beg the question, "What about the Jews then?" Are we responsible for what becomes of their small "indigenous" tribe in light of the idea that Islam relates that we all originate from the same two persons, Adam and Eve (Huwa, pbut) and in all actuality are all of one species and Allah gives everyone free will to choose "his way or the highway"? That is the question and if I was a Jew or any other type of actual "rejector" then I'd be investigating very seriously what Allah has said his plan is for those who disagree with his words. I'd be what you call, "motivated". It has bothered me for some time that Christians who supposedly believe in "God" would ignore ANYTHING God might have said. I ask them, "If you knew God left a message under that rock over there, wouldn't you want to go see what it said? Wouldn't you be overwhelmed with love for God and a desire to understand his plan and turn that rock over?" That one causes most Christian believers to tremble a little in stupification of their own "ignorance" as in ignoring something very, very important to them.

As for the unbelievers and the arrogant, who cares really what becomes of them. I certainly don't and have no control over it.

How to get people to see the logic of this thing called Islam? Well, Allah knew that was not only difficult but a job for Allah only. And that is why Sura "one-o-nine" was revealed to us as muslims:

The Disbelievers (Kafr)

Say : O ye that reject Faith!

I worship not that which ye worship,

Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

To you be your Way, and to me mine.


In Memoriam of Mothers

My mother was the most patient explainer of death. She was vacuous when it came to love but competent at giving it all the same. I'll never forget her visit after my father had died the year preceeding. We were driving over to 19th Avenue and Northern to visit her brother Everett in the hospital. He was dying. Her sister had died only months before from lung cancer.

Everywhere she looked she noticed hearses (where there were none) and graveyards (none either). It was death on every corner yet I'd just started life. I was married and had a three year old daughter. I was in college and training to be a nurse.

I became fed up with her terrible desire to see death. I told her so and she became so hurt she swore she'd never come visit me again.

By the time I had my second child, she and I had more or less forgotten our exchange a few years before. She was so frail and sick then that she required a caretaker to drive her on necessary voyages (to hospitals mostly). She came up to stay with me after the birth as all good mothers ought even though she could barely support her own weight on her osteoporotic bones. She weighed no more than a hundred pounds by then.

On the third post partum day while I was taking a nap, she had her caretaker(Tim) pack her things and ready to leave. I came down the stairs and saw her bags by the door and burst into tears. I just couldn't take it but she said that she was just too sick to stay on and burden me anymore. She was having diarrhea and worried about soiling the carpets. I had to let her go but it wasn't easy. Post partum depression never needs an excuse to set in and mine lasted for years until she finally passed away some twelve years ago now and that depression was replaced by mourning her loss which really, has never actually ended.

You never get enough of your mother, especially if she is friendly with the hours of death. She'd explained to me as a very young child that my father only had a few months to live yet he stayed on for another decade. We spent ten or more years talking about nothing but death.

Now, I know why. She was preparing me for hers.

From the Sura called The Women

[4.97] Surely (as for) those whom the angels cause to die while they are unjust to their souls, they shall say: In what state were you? They shall say: We were weak in the earth. They shall say: Was not Allah's earth spacious, so that you should have migrated therein? So these it is whose abode is hell, and it is an evil resort
A Few Doors Down, the Three Words

These houses are either
empty or sad, constantly
changing hands -
in the dusty keep
of the ages, the dark tunnels
of heat and mouse steps,
voices come and go
via those places and back
where funerals are less eager
to offer rides and pastries.

a body transparent
a body on a table
a body of ash and water
a table set for three
a body full of holes
with a finger trapped
in a book to mark the place
a body sewn to the finger
caught in the book
of estates and tailors

A gold crown
in a nearby town
belongs only to the dentist.

The rain is patient this year
April is patient,
the lilacs that live
two hundred years
the scrub oak
the generations of poppies
on the hill scattered,
are all patient.
So many to clothe
this year in grass and seedlings,
so many Armageddons to attend.

Why is it that people cry
over corpses and why is it
they do not cry about death?
You've seen one of us die,
you've seen them all.
No one goes there to visit the dead.
No one goes there to cry
or whisper or clasp.
They go there to wonder
about themselves
with mouse steps,
side-stepping in the aisles
careful not to bunch up
or bump into one another.
Their faces tell lies and more lies.
No one thinks they'll get caught.

Her son dressed as honestly
as he'd been raised
in a crisp white shirt
each button a little lock.
Her husband looked gray
as the mourners snuck in and out,
his patience exhausted.
He closed the door himself
and shut off the lights.
We were counterweights
that is all he had to say.

The Declining Day

By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),
Verily Man is in loss,
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds,

and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth,
and of Patience and Constancy.


I won't however, hold my breath if you don't mind.


Walt, the Belfer professor of international affairs, and co-author John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago set off a storm of controversy last March when they published a paper arguing that the pro-Israel lobby, led by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has distorted foreign policy through its influence on academia, the media, and think tanks. Their essay also argued that the lobby was a “critical element” in the decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

The forthcoming book will be published by New York-based Farrar, Straus and Giroux and is due out in September, according to Walt, who declined to answer other questions about the book. Mearsheimer did not respond to phone calls to his office in Chicago.

Since the publication of their essay last March, the claims made by Walt and Mearsheimer have divided the academic community.

New York University professor Tony Judt, who wrote a New York Times op-ed supporting the pair shortly after their article appeared, said in an interview yesterday that the professors’ work has forced a discussion of the Israeli lobby’s influence, a previously taboo topic.

“The article and subsequent furor have opened up the debate as never before [and] the book will presumably do more of the same,” Judt said.
dining w quran


On the Brighter Side


Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States, particularly among African Americans, who are undeterred by the government’s increased scrutiny of Muslims since the September 11, 2001 attacks, according to a Reuters article.

Muslim converts from the American black community say they embraced the Islamic religion because of the disciplines of its prayers, its emphasis on worshippers’ submission to Allah (SWT) and its affinity with people who are oppressed.

Some black Muslim converts are also suspicious of the U.S. government’s warnings about the emergence of new enemies since the 9/11 attacks because of memories of how authorities demonized civil rights leaders Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. As a result, they are willing to embrace Islam as a legitimate alternative to Christianity, the majority religion among U.S. blacks.

A new black Muslim convert in Atlanta told Reuters he embraced Islam when he visited Africa for the first time. After reading the holy Qur’an, Mark King says he realized that its blessed teachings were similar to his own beliefs, not least in fighting injustice.
Wha? Cattle Mutilations?

Yer kidding me. Nope. 30,000 to date in North America:

Read on:


On January 31, 1993, a rancher in the Dawson Community led investigators to the carcass of a Black Angus cow. The animal's genitals and rectum had been cored out in one large incision that left a hole the size of coffee can. The animal's jaw had been completely stripped in an oval incision that encompassed The entire right side of the animal's face. The tongue was completely gone, cut deep down into the throat. There was no blood present on the animal itself, nor on the ground surrounding it.

Further examination revealed a flaky white material on the animal's right rib cage and on the ground five (5) feet from the carcass. The material was placed in the empty wrapper of a cigarette pack and transported to the Fyffe Police Department where it was transferred to a glass jar. While removing the flaky particles from the cigarette wrapper, the material came in contact with the brass tip of a ball-point pen. Within one second of contact with the brass, the material melted into an almost clear liquid. To reduce the risk of this happening to the remaining material, the rest was shaken out into a jar where it remained unaffected. This white, flaky material was then air expressed to a molecular biologist at a leading eastern University for analysis.

[004:119] And surely I will lead them astray, and surely I will arouse desires in them, and surely I will command them and they will cut the cattle' ears, and surely I will command them and they will change Allah's creation. Whoso chooseth Satan for a patron instead of Allah is verily a loser and his loss is manifest.

More importantly, it is this same type of aluminum compound which, when combined with Iron produces Lava. Lava...love lava. But, the people in the WTC who died probably wouldn't feel the same way about this substance used to melt the building:

Just Water Eh?

Such turbulent behavior has engaged scientists for centuries, and artists as well; Leonardo da Vinci loved to draw the characteristic eddies of moving water. The great eighteenth-century Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler analyzed fluid motion, but omitted the effects of friction. Unfor-tunately, when Euler used his equation to design a fountain for Frederick the Great, it failed to work. Now we know the correct equation, but it is brutally difficult to solve, and it leaves unanswered the central question: how does deterministic laminar flow break into random whorls? This commonplace effect that we experience daily is a great unsolved problem of classical physics, in some ways as challenging as quantum mechanics.


Sura Al Nur, The Light:

Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!

Sura Al Baqra, The Cow

Thenceforth were your hearts hardened: They became like a rock andeven worse in hardness. For among rocks there are some from whichrivers gush forth; others there are which when split asunder sendforth water; and others which sink for fear of Allah. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do.

Deuterium is a stable isotope of hydrogen, meaning that it is not radioactive and has a very long life span. Deuterium is still the same element as hydrogen but it has one neutron making it twice as heavy as protium. Deuterium was discovered by Harold Urey, in 1932. Deuterium was the first isotope to be separated from its element in pure form. It is believed that deuterium was created during the initial phase of the big bang. A free neutron will decay in ten minutes unless it interacts with a proton to form a nucleus of a deuterium atom. Most of these deuterium atoms combined to form helium but a few extra were left over and remained deuterium.
When two deuterium ions bond with one oxygen ion, deuterium oxide, heavy water, is formed. It looks the same as and tastes similar to regular water, but some of it's characteristics are different. Heavy water is different from regular water in physical properties. Heavy water boils at 101.41 degrees Celsius and freezes at 3.79 degrees Celsius. The heat capacity, heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, and entropy of deuterium oxide are all higher than the values for water. Heavy water is also more viscous than water is. Deuterium oxide is not as good of a solvent as water is either. Deuterium will form stronger bonds than hydrogen will.
Approximately one of every six thousand drops of water is actually deuterium oxide. The overall deuterium to hydrogen ratio on earth is 1:6600.

Sura called Time

Has there not been over Man a long period of Time, when he was nothing - (not even) mentioned?

It is We Who created them, and We have made their joints strong; but, when We will, We can substitute the like of them by a complete change.*

*Note: In Arabic, words are gender specific and "we" is used as it is in French as the Royal We and does not imply multiple creators.

"It is a striking, but not much mentioned fact that, though geneticists have been breeding fruit-flies for sixty years or more in labs all round the world- flies which produce a new generation every eleven days-they have never yet seen the emergence of a new species or even a new enzyme."21

Although an almost incomprehensible number of species inhabit Earth today, they do not form a continuous spectrum of barely distinguishable intermediates. Instead, nearly all species can be recognized as belonging to a relatively limited number of clearly distinct major groups, with very few illustrating intermediate structures or ways of life. ( Robert L. Carroll, Patterns and Processes of Vertebrate Evolution, Cambridge University Press, 1997)

If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all of the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed... Consequently evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains.(Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species: A Facsimile of the First Edition, Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 179)

And be careful for those Moby Bears:

"I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale" - Charles Darwin, The Origin of Humor, er, Species.

Sura Ya Sin, 36

Glory be to the One, who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as themselves, and other things they do not know.

The Arabic word “azvaj” is the plural of “zavj” meaning “pairs,” “matches,” “partners.” There are three sorts of pairs in the Creation as described in the verse:

a- Pairs that grow from the earth, i.e., plants that have species of differentiated sex;
b- Human pairs, males and females. Also some included human characteristics like bravery / cowardice; love / hate; generosity / stinginess, etc.
c- Pairs unknown: men did not know anything about the creation in pairs at the time of the descent of the Quran.

Sura Yunus

Say: "Of your 'partners', can any originate creation and repeat it?" Say: "It is Allah Who originates creation and repeats it: then how are ye deluded away (from the truth)?"



Israel's foreign ministry canceled a planned Tuesday meeting with a top Norwegian diplomat in a sign of displeasure the day after he met with Palestinian government leaders from the Islamic Hamas group, Norwegian and Israeli officials said.

Norway's deputy foreign minister, Raymond Johansen met Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and other government officials on Monday, becoming the first high-ranking Western official to visit leaders of the violent Islamic movement, which has killed more than 200 Israelis in dozens of suicide bombing attacks.

Sura Al Baqra

[2.11] And when it is said to them, Do not make mischief in the land, they say: We are but peace-makers.

[2.12] Now surely they themselves are the mischief makers, but they do not perceive.

**One of the biggest problems we muslims have with the "Jews" is that it is mostly true about them, ie what he Quran says about them. They are not peace makers and behave like Pharoah:

http://www.aina.org/news/20070317151234.htm Reminds me of what the Jews did to the Muslims in the "Battle of the Trench".

http://desertpeace.blogspot.com/2007/03/rachels-work-lives-on.html Jews murdering Americans with impunity.

http://www.muckrakerreport.com/id374.html Jews encouraging Americans to die for Israel.

http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Kristof_US_should_stop_biting_tongue_0317.html US patsies never criticize Israel in their ME anti war malarkey. That is Irish for BULL SHIT.

http://www.wakeupfromyourslumber.com/node/750 Jews impersonating Arabs ALL the damn time or didn't you people know that Ehud Barak showed up in Beirut disguised as an old Arab woman in order to assassinate the leader of the PLO named Arafat?

http://www.counterpunch.org/lamb02262007.html Jews targeting Arab business competitors in war time and peace time. I thought they were democratic and all but fact is folks, when they bombed Liban Lait, a Lebanese dairy which markets in Europe and competes with Israeli dairies...did they really think there was a Hezbollah at the bottom of the yogurt or a banana in his pocket?

Screw Israel. No right to exist. No right to stay and no right for Jews to sit pretty and ignore this and feel all warm and fuzzy inside about their "jewish homeland" as it is called. If you are a Jew and don't like this blog then go to hell. And if you agree then why are you sitting there and saying nothing?

YOU are complicit in their crimes and therefore, go to hell. It is not the time to remain silent in the face of the outrages perpetrated by Israel and for Israel.
"In physical cosmology, a cosmological horizon marks a limit to observability, and marks the boundary of a region that an observer cannot see into directly due to cosmological effects."

Cosmological Horizon

"Observations of the universe are limited by the physical properties of light. Terrestrial observations are limited by the fact that light propagates in straight lines, while the surface of Earth is curved. The distance one can see can be increased by observing from a higher vantage point, but there is a limit: an observer on an infinitely tall platform could only see one quarter of the way around Earth's circumference. Astronomical observations are limited by the fact that light propagates with a finite velocity, c. The only objects that can be seen are those whose emitted light has had enough time, since the beginning of the Universe, to reach Earth today. In both cases, the physical limit to vision is called the horizon."

"In any case, it is interesting to note that the cosmological horizon is a maximal limit of perception and not an actual boundary. Much like an individual who is unable to see the edges of the Pacific Ocean while they are floating n the middle of it; we can only see the light from areas of space within the cosmological horizon."

55:33O ye assembly of Jinns and men! If it be ye can pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, pass ye! not without authority shall ye be able to pass!

55:34Then which of the favours of your Lord will ye deny?


The Dawn

By the break of Day
By the Nights twice five;
By the even and odd





Israel using human shields? Invading other countries? Imprisoning people in ghettoes? Strip searching young muslim and Christian women (not Jews of course)?

No way man! What a Godawful surprise!

While commonly associated with Nazi Germany, the swastika symbol is more than 3,000 years old. The term "Swastika" was originally the name for a hooked cross in Sanskrit, and swastikas have been found on artifacts, such as coins and pottery, from the ancient city of Troy.

Not only are swastikas associated with ancient Troy, the symbols are found in many other cultures, such as Chinese, Japanese, Indian and southern European. By the Middle Ages, the swastika was a well-known symbol and had many different names, depending on the country. In some cultures, such as in ancient China, the symbol is turned counterclockwise (sauvastika).

Throughout its history, the swastika represented life, sun, power, strength and good luck. In the early 20th century, it was still considered a positive symbol. During World War I, it was found on shoulder patches of members of the American 45th Division and the Finnish air force. Only after the Nazi period did its connotation change.

German nationalists chose to use the swastika in the mid-19th century because it was associated with the Aryan race and Germanic history. At the end of the 19th century, German nationalists used the symbol on periodicals and for the official emblem of the German Gymnasts’ League. By the 20th century, it was a common symbol used in Germany to represent German nationalism and pride, for example, as the emblem for the Wandervogel, a German youth group. Swastikas also were used, however, in anti-Semitic periodicals.

The swastika officially became the emblem for the Nazi Party on August, 7, 1920, at the Salzburg Congress. Describing the new flag in Mein Kampf, Hitler said the swastika symbolized the victory of the Aryan man.

Today the symbol is most commonly associated with Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, neo-Nazis and other hate groups.


Same difference if you ask me.

The Day After the Beach:




Aside from Roses, there is no flower as beautiful and aromatic as Lilacs.


From the Zaburزبور , more commonly called, Proverbs which is attributed to Solomon and part of the Psalms of the ancient Jews contained in what is known today as the Torah or Tanakha:


The Sayings of Agur*

I am myself the stupidest of people,
bereft of human intelligence,
I have not learned wisdom,
and I lack the knowledge of the holy ones,
Who has mounted to the heavens, then come down again?
Who has gathered the wind in the clasp of his hand?
Who has wrapped the waters in his cloak?
Who has set all the ends of the earth firm?
What is his name?
What is his child's name?
Do you know?
Every word of God is unalloyed,
a shield to those who take refuge in him,
To his words make no addition,
lest he reprove you
and account you a liar.

Two things I beg of you,
do not grudge me them before I die:
keep falsehood and lies from me,
give me neither poverty nor riches,
grant me only my share of food,
for fear that, surrounded by plenty,
I should fall away
and say "Yahweh - who is Yahweh?"
or else, in destitution, take to stealing
and profane the name of my God.

Do not blacken a slave's name to his master,
lest he curse you and you suffer for it.

There is a breed of person that curses his father
and does not bless his mother;
a breed that, laying claim to purity,
has not yet been cleansed of filth;
a breed haughty of eye,
with disdain in every glance;
a breed with swords for teeth,
with knives for jaws,
devouring the oppressed from the earth
and the needy from the land.

*Agur was the son of Jakey of Massa (in Northern Arabia).