
Pass this on to a friend...it's really contagious

Guess what? Go ahead....just give it a stab. No, no....we all knew Israel would give up and the next phase of that....well...is utter disaster in the press for the murderous regime running that FAILING theocracy. That was written before the invasion began.

No...this is something important to YOU.

You very likely have Herpes. That is, if you live in the continental United States of America. Research suggests that 27% of all women without bacterial vaginosis (non specific infection of the vagina with bacteria..yuck) are infected with HSV 2. That's the kind that gives you sores and a spot on a curious TV ad for eHarmony. Worse, out of those who DO have a buggy or two in their naughty bits, 37.2% are infected. Yikes. That's a lot of Herpes people. And if you get Herpes Simplex type 2 during the last trimester of your pregnancy...there's an increased risk you will pass it to your baby and give it all sorts of setbacks including a real major one known as death. Wow. Now you do the math....that is a compilation study of two distinct groups...those who DO have buggy fannies and those who DON'T have buggy fannies (British term for the naughty bits which is a Monty Python term for naughty bits). I hate to tell you this next part: there are only two types of females on the planet...those with Bacterial Vaginosis and those without it. Therefore, we simply have to add the two figures and we come up with an ASTONISHING statistic.

64.2% of all women in that study...are seropositive for Herpes Simplex Type 2. Wow. I mean...wow. Other studies, several in fact, estimate the incidence to be about 1 in 5 Americans are infected with HSV2.

The real downside to this stat above is the factoid that testing for HSV 2 is relatively new. It isn't widely available..at least not as available as Chlamydia testing has become. Therefore, I think it is very, very safe to assume that the above stats are UNDER REPRESENTING the actual problem.

Oh...and I almost forgot to say that infection with HSV 2 gives you a whopping increase in the chances that a person will contract the dreaded HIV/AIDS virus.

You know....scientists still don't know why moths are drawn to light bulbs. Lots of things have been suggested as the cause. Mostly, they just do it because that is all they know how to do apparently. And if this were about Ebola or the THREAT of a worldwide epidemic of the DREADED flu sniffles (well..yes...flu can be a hoary problem).....well. It would just be all over CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, PBS, WKRP in Cincinnati.....just all over...wouldn't it. I mean come on...it would.

What gets me is the fact that we know for a fact what causes sexually transmitted disease.


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