
THE SHAMEFUL ISRAELI DOGS OF WAR ARE NOW RABID and "considering yesterday's news about "Israeli" nuclear submarines being stationed in the Gulf, the world must react quickly and severely. "Israel" is now officially mad and deadly. The Jewish State is not just careless about human life, as we have been following the "Israeli" press campaign leading to the slaughter, "Israel" actually seeks pleasure in inflicting pain and devastation on others," Gilad Atzmon, in March of 2010, Information Clearing House.

America can no longer afford to be either friendly or ignorant of Israeli aggressions against the Palestinians and world peace and prosperity. They are everyone's enemies, everyone's disaster.

How to "turn up" dead. Name yourself, Rachel Corrie.

Israel Massacres 20 civilians and KIDNAPS the survivors in a brutal and unprovoked act of piracy in International waters. News outlets continue to lie about the number of dead who are described as victims who END UP DEAD in an attack that TURNED VIOLENT. Shit, this was going to be violent from the get go and what on earth would they be doing with PAINT GUNS in the first place? That's utterly ridiculous and an obvious ploy to be utilized in the contrivance that was contrived in the board rooms of the elite Zionist entity which has more blood on its hands than Atilla the Hun. The language used by the Israeli controlled media is sickening. Furthermore, to state that the blockade is in response to a "Hamas takeover" is not only lying but against everything America and its allies stand for. Hamas was ELECTED to lead the impoverished and terrorized citizens of Palestine who have been left in a state of siege for over fifty years with the aid and support and so called 'friendship' of the United States. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

The Israeli ambassador to the US has a lot of balls to admit that "a hundred trucks a day" are allowed into Gaza which has a population of nearly 2 million people by most counts. That's not enough trucks to provide the necessities of daily life to a hundred thousand people let alone two million. What a piece of dogshit that guy is with his American accent. I mean, I thought that ambassadors to the US have at least a little of their home country in them...but that just isn't the case. Israel isn't about Jews, it's a bunch of Zionist terrorists who use religion to justify the alarming theft of a piece of land that belonged to the Palestinians for centuries and STILL DOES.

The REAL Israeli blockade keeps Palestinians on their toes by gum! Four kilos per person over the past six months...now that's about how much trash I throw out in a 24 hour period MINUS the actual stuff we eat, use for hygeine purposes, etc.


This bullshit about how they would hand carry the aid to the poor prisoners of Israel is so stinky I can smell it all the way over here, pew!

"The Israeli army claims there is enough of everything in Gaza. The army allowed 156,000 tons of humanitarian cargo into the strip over the past six months. That’s 4 kilograms per person.

“Look at what you consume and compare the figures. The hospitals are the worst. We brought in a little medicine – over 30 boxes. We realized this was like a drop in the ocean. The hospital didn’t even have enough paper – the doctors wrote medical records on tiny scraps. There was no electricity, and this was before the last war.”

Water turned out to be Gaza’s biggest problem.
“Gaza gets its water from earth layers close to the surface. It’s milk of lime, essentially, and it contains harmful substances. This means children who drink this water are prone to disease and the child mortality rate is very high. Only Israel gets its water from the deeper layers. The reservoirs were empty. Doctors told me the water had caused multiple cases of cancer, kidney and respiratory system diseases among children. It’s absolutely impossible to live in Gaza from the sanitation point of view. Seniors and children can’t leave the strip to get treated – they can’t go to Israel or Egypt.”"

"Israeli" forces attacked on Monday dawn the international Freedom Flotilla humanitarian aid convoy to the besieged Gaza Strip, resulting in at least 20 martyrs and leaving more than 50 injured." From the Moqawama site and we all know, Hezbollah sources do not lie. Not when they report on their own failures and not when they report on casualties and most certainly not when they promise to eradicate Zionism from the map of human history forever.

Robert Fisk relates, "It is a fact that it is ordinary people, activists, call them what you will, who now take decisions to change events" by boarding ships like the MV Rachel Corrie (named after the American citizen bull dozed to death on purpose by the IDF) in an attempt to break the siege on Gaza where Israel is denying the right of the citizens of Palestine to rebuild their homes and businesses shattered by the brutal Israeli war crime that according to the Goldstone Report, is classified as a war crime in every definition of the word 'war crime'. According to Mr. Fisk and most other human beings with one iota of common sense attribute the acts of ordinary folks to the gutless activity of American politicians who if they wanted to could change this situation through a simple UN resolution and a few sanctions...the type that the US has reserved for a group of second class citizens throughout the world known as muslims and Islamic states in typical acts of Western racist anti Islamicism.

Israel attacks the ship in an attempt to deny not only the human rights of the people who were to recieve the much needed aid but also denies the human rights of the citizens of the world to provide shelter, aid, food and hope to the millions of affected Palestinians in a strip of land so small you could fit it inside of New York City.

Death to Israel, death the Zionist entity. Long live the resistance of all souls against this state which not only mocks the United States but has obviously thumbed its nose at our president, Barak HOSSEIN Obama.


"Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad considered that the "Israeli" attack on the Freedom Flotilla convoy is shameful, referring that this Zionist entity survives on killing. "

Shameful is an understatement.

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