
Duoderm to Duoderm & as in Dust

One sore can be kept open
deliberately for at least one
year or more by gently
debriding the scab at first
daily then weekly
reviving the particulars.

The open wound is deliberately
left as such in order to produce
the by-product pus
which is an antigen-containing
super substance and that
which sinners consume in hell.

Ampersand why not!
in comfort zones,
The National Biscuit Company
devised traditional meta,
meconium babies delivered
with tuning forks and tweezers
and ready to suck, not chew
but swallow and valves,
circuits and sensors
with schematics pre-loaded
wanted some, hard wired
for sugars and fat.

% - wise, we consider
the use of polymers,
enzymatic digestants
to be civilization
which in one case
the author declared Ice
and that made sense too.
Good food takes time.

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