
Don Schaeffer


"..And the earth is still
a mass of worms. "

For five minutes of Don go here:


Don, the hardest working guy in pobiz.


Erin said...

I love Don's work! Thanks for the links!

Carmenisacat said...

Yea, Don is something else isn't he?

He is always going on about his boring life and then...he makes this wonderful stuff up about how REAL it is to him. And isn't his stuff just so real.

Don and I go way back. I literally dragged him by the forelock (hard to do with a bald guy) to Joe's site and kept prodding and pinching him. He is still on board after a couple years, always delighting us with his mojo. He has a second recording on the JD link now...


Don - 2

Me - 0, but working on it.