




We find that both Jeffery Dahmer and John Walker Lindh (note the Lee Harvey Oswaldish-ness of that name!) had DREADFUL HEALTH PROBLEMS in childhood. Imagine that. Two famous US criminals, one of them suspected of....er...hating US arrogance and loving Islam too much...and the other a known homosexual who murdered and ate several human beings ...share some truly OUTRAGEOUS qualities.

Jeffery Dahmer had a HERNIA!

A short time before Jeffrey's fourth birthday, Jeffrey was diagnosed with a double hernia that needed to be operated on. This operation left Jeffrey feeling open and exposed nobody explained to Dahmer what was going on. He felt scared by the operation, complete strangers coming up to him and exploring his body. This experience is said to have marked his subconscious forever.

He (the muslim Lindh) was skinny and "sickly," a classmate's mother recalls, and he frequently missed classes. It turned out John was suffering from an intestinal disorder, a particularly embarrassing affliction for a preteen that meant frequent trips to the bathroom. In 1993 the family pulled John out of yet another elementary school and opted to teach him at home.

We also find out that Jeffery Dahmer and John Lindh share two very curious characteristics...

Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer (note we get the three part Lee Harvey Oswald name once again but this time for Dahmer) came into the world at 4.34pm on the 21st of May at the Evangelical Deaconess Hospital in Milwaukee 1960.

At 1 in the morning on the day John Phillip Walker Lindh (4 names this time in case the reader is in any doubt about WHICH John Lindh) was born, his father Frank drove home from the hospital, listening to the radio in the quiet of his car: it was a dramatic rendition of When Johnny Comes Marching Home. I wonder...what if the car had not been quiet in this terrible foreshadowing of events?

...they both CAME INTO THE WORLD at a specific time!

One of the other shocking revelations about these two criminal "masterminds" is that they were extremely unusual children:

By the time of his second son's birth Lionel Dahmer and his family moved into there own house at 4480 West Bath Road, surrounded by open forest where Jeffrey could lose himself in a world of make believe.

John and his pals created games out of their heads, fantasy games involving knights and ogres or movie characters. This was a time "to act like something you're not," says Parr, "like a policeman."

...and they played make believe! Utterly shocking I tell you. Utterly shocking.

I'd like to know however about Christopher Hitchens' childhood if you know what I mean? What made this man such a potty mouthed baby talker? He is constantly using the word "poo poo". I think this is a very dangerous signal to the world about his potential for "violence" and the encouragement of same:


Saddahm-er Hussein

Forget Hitler and Stalin; Saddam's role model was the cannibal from Milwaukee. - Christopher Hitchens for Slate Magazine - who goes on to state:

"There is a difference, in other words, between propaganda and research, and the difference always becomes blurred in wartime."

Not of course...by the pen of Christopher Hitchens who is suggesting in this article that Iran is just as bad as Iraq, just as motivated and ought to be dealt the same criminal blows to their "imagined" arsenal in light of the known arsenal of Israel and the US which was used last year against the Lebanese people to supposedly gain the freedom of two prisoners of war. How about Mr. Lindh eh Mr. Hitchens? You are a silly old fool indeed and a thin ghost writer for the regime you support because they support you.

From Mr. Hitchens confabulatory pen come all sorts of disingenuous remarks from various exercises in professional propagandism...things like the famous Proof without Proof of weapons that were buried like the body parts were secreted in the fridge of Mr. Dahmer. One has to wonder is the man stoopid or a liar? I'm sure that Allah will know which it is and in the end, due to his athiesm Mr. Hitchens has no hope whatsoever regarding paradise. None. It's too bad really. Athiests you see like Mr. Hitchens cannot even reserve the hope that "when they get there" they can ask to go back and do it all over again. It's truly too bad he doesn't know about the fine print of the Quran regarding his type of arrogance...forget the ignorance. Ignorance I'll bet...is excusable. Statistically speaking, George W. Bush AND Saddam Hussein have significantly better chances of a return "to the paradise" which was lost when Adam and Eve (our early ancestors) failed to follow one teeny, tiny, itsy bitsy rule: Don't accept advice from anyone except me (spoken by Allah, the Creator). It wuddint about no sex nor encyclopeadias Mister.

Hell Hitchens is not only for murderers but it is also for liars or did you not know that?

And um....forget Hitler? How on earth can people like us "forget" Hitler you moron when propagandists like you are paid so much to keep reminding us of all these crazy connections!

*Sorry Mr. H, I've a little too much time on my hands. I was a lonely child who suffered a broken neck at the age of four. I spent alot of time on my own imagining that I was a horse. When I was at the swimming pool (where I was ashamed of my chunky body due to too little roughage and chronic constipation) I became a dolphin. The only thing I do not share with any of you three famous and not so famous writers (and teams of them at Time) is my style.

You are either with us or against us it seems. I'm with John Walker Lindh. There is no such thing as being half-right you know.


John Walker Lindh

Inmate # 45426-083

USP Florence AdmaxU.S. Penitentiary

PO BOX 8500Florence, CO 81226

*Mail to Mr. Lindh will be screened by federal authorities.


*The great Imam known as the Commander of the Faithful aka Ali ibn Abi Taleb (peace upon him and his progeny) distinguished categorically between many types of things and people. He said about those who seek the right but end up finding the wrong are not like those who seek the wrong and end up with the very same thing.

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