

Oh, it came out of the sky, landed just a little South of Moline.
Jody fell out of his tractor, couldn't b'lieve what he seen.
Laid on the ground and shook fearin' for his life.
Then he ran all the way to town screamin' it came out of the sky.

Well, a crowd gathered round and a scientist said it was marsh gas.
Spiro came and made a speech about raising the Mars tax.
The Vatican said, woe, the Lord has come, Hollywood rushed out an epic film
and Ronnie the Popular said it was a communist plot.

Oh, the newspapers came and made Jody a national hero.
Walter and Eric said they'd put him on a network TV show.
The White House said, put the thing in the Blue Room,
the Vatican said, no, it belongs to Rome
and Jody said, it's mine and you can have it for seventeen million.

Oh, it came out of the sky, landed just a little South of Moline.
Jody fell out of his tractor, couldn't b lieve what he seen.
Laid on the ground a shakin', fearin' for his life.
Oh, then he ran all the way to town screamin' it came out of the sky.

- John C. Fogerty

The Banksters and the Tangled Web They Weave

"In any case, it’s scary: you’ve got a good segment of the American population that is completely impervious to any kind of evidence, any rational argument. I mean, who collects statistics? People in black helicopters!"



"How many small towns with barely ten thousand people “boast” a tiny local airport which play host to terrorist hijackers? Or been run by a heroin trafficker disguised as a flight school owner, or a man accused of stealing $300 million in a huge financial fraud?"

"DuBain later founded a San Francisco supper club with oilman Gordon Getty and Reagan Secretary of State George Shultz; his "Pacific Institute" kept former Bush Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld busy in the 1990s."


"One answer has already become obvious. Nadel spent an enormous amount of money on airplanes and aviation facilities."

"These reports further state that Madoff was ‘convicted’ in a ‘one of a kind’ designed trial in which his guilty plea kept all evidence against Israel’s betrayal of the United States from being entered into official American records as it was deemed by the Obama administration as ‘too incendiary’ for the American people to know about and would, most certainly, unleash an Israeli backlash many Russian Military Analysts state would leave ‘many US cities in ruin’. ”


Now, I was going to write a poem about this and I might indeed do that but not before I reprint a 9/11 classic. One of my favorite poems of all time and it is what it is. It's about truth and the right of "freedom of speech" CONSISTS IN telling the truth according to Ali Mu'mineen, Commander of the Faithful, pbuh. Many of the first Imam's quotes are taken for granted and this one needs to be examined thoroughly by all readers (close reading). Freedom of Speech isn't about just saying whatever you want. Not at all and afterall, it doesn't exist (the so-called Freedom of Speech in the USA) or we'd already have put these culprits all to bed. Osama is dead...has been for quite some time. But the truth isn't well liked by the sentimentalists in the world who hold on to their own misguided notions too tightly regardless of their self declared affinity for "truth". Historically speaking, this is what happened to Moses, SA when the Pharoah got a bit anxious about Moses' revelation before the nation that magicians are just magicians. Moses threw his staff into the ring and it turned into a snake and ate the fake snakes of the magicians (who were merely propagandists for the Pharoah) whole. The point of that parable which is found not only in the Quran but the Bible is simply this, TRUTH TRUMPS FALSEHOOD ON CONTACT. Falsehood ...well falsehood. What about falsehood and it's many sided variations on the truth? It mixes fact and fiction, just like Mr. Krugman said but he ends up being just another part of the act. This is, for those who have spent any time at all perusing the Protocols of Zion, the trick. At the end of that parable, the magicians themselves admit to the truth and in fact, so does the Pharoah but for him it was a bit too late as the Red Sea came crashing down upon him. He pleaded with Allah to accept his apology and Allah just said, "Nope." Just a simple, "Nope."

Liars tell such a fabulous tale that they literally force a truther to look bad if and when they question the facts of the case. In the case of the Pharoah, he threatened the turn-coat magicians of his with CRUCIFICTION (basically). Ouch! No sane person can say that this isn't exactly the case with such "truther"movements post 9/11. The "truthers" have been tarred and feathered, ignored and even ousted from popular poetry boards (Amiri Baraka by Mr. Ron Silliman) for merely stating the facts. Of course, Mr. Silliman has forgiven Mr. Baraka (LeRoi Jones) for his act of defiance and Mr. Baraka has held his tongue after having his Laureate-ship revoked.....but this story just won't die. That is because the fake snake isn't able to eat the real snake. That reptile is Divine Powered you know and has a HUGE stomach. Just huge. The only thing the real snake likes to eat is the thing that satisfies it's hunger and that would be the lie. The real snake food.

Haha...that third article might even be part of the parade...oh...it tells the "conspiracy theorists" which like to think they know (and end up in the forest of mirrors all the same)..if anyone finds out, RUSSIA tells us that it will leave all our cities in ruin! It basically says, we're gonna tell you the truth here but at the end of it we'll put in this fabulous assumption just in case you "get any ideas" about how secret this all is and has to remain.

What utter bullshit. Israel will beat us up...hahaha. And that's exactly what Ahmadinijad said when threatened with Israeli airstrikes....hoho he said. Israel? That tiny little country? Will attack the mightly nation of Iran? Oh...hohoho. He had the usual sparkle in his eye that so many of us teary eyed Shia get now days when faced with the moronic afterglow of 9/11 and Israel's now famous defeat in Lebanon in 2006. What pranksters!

My favorite truther is this young man who goes into Walmarts and Kmarts and watches employees enter their secret intercom code. He then commandeers the intercom and announces to the Kmart blue-light shoppers that 9/11 was a coverup. What chutzpah! What sheer valor.

The Wondrous Magico

Most things never really happen
to us and those that do
are truly remarkable.
The tired old promise
once the war is fought
and supposedly won, as planned
before the corpse wrecks
the best-laid plans
with clockwork and clairvoyance,
that dreadful pose staged
on the triage of life
and death innuendo
are a pleasant compromise
for the real thing
as it fiddles and burns,
cuts everything in half
and disappears the rabbit
from the land of the living.
Those that shake the snakes
from bags and wave their
crooked old sticks
past all our pleased
and dumbstruck faces
say like this:

and and and and and
Voila! Lo! Behold!


Matt Walker said...

Wow. You know, up until now I'd thought of you as an unconventional crackpot.

Looks like you're just a conventional crackpot after all.

Carmenisacat said...

Well at least you think of me darling.

As a young boy (which you obviously are from the looks of your lovely photograph), how does it feel to have facial hair? You are obviously quite proud of it I see.

Anyways, I appreciate your comment...made me laugh really.

You so fit just what I decribed above....how is it that this brain washing happens Matt? Oh...I forgot, you wouldn't know.

It's been entirely successful.

Carmenisacat said...
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