
Israel drops experimental DIME on civilians in Gaza, plans to drop them elsewhere as well.

Israel using new Cancer causing explosive. If it doesn't shred a person to pieces with the first drastic explosion using Dense Inert Metal Explosive, it will cause CANCER to the remaining victims of this vicious and illegal munition.

Why haven't you heard of it? Because the United States allows Israel to commit war crimes. That is because the US has committed war crimes. Sad fact of the matter is, bad people and governments stick together like glue. Even Obama is helpless it seems to do anything about it.

Should we worry?

Fortunately for us, Good People Stick Together Too!

There is growing concern that Israel is planning another attack on South Lebanon. I tend to think that they got their arses whooped the last time and wouldn't risk another humiliating defeat at the hands of Hezbollah but oddly enough, Israel is a glutton for punishment. Hezbollah now has an estimated 80,000 rockets posed and ready to launch into Israel should Israel do something stupid. And Israel is still stupid even if the Israeli people have become wise about their own guilt over so many war crimes it makes a person's eyes water.

They have used the Gaza strip as their own personal in vivo munitions testing facility. Mengele? Oh more than that. Israel makes the Nazi regime look tame and it is no longer an viable comparison.

There is no comparison to the war crimes committed by Israel against civilian populations, infrastructure of neighboring countries and Palestinian prison camps (in Israel and beyond). One day in the not so distant future, people will ask "how did this happen"? Just as people do when considering the war crimes perpetrated by Adolph Hitler against many types of people of whom the Jews composed only a fraction of the number eradicated by his pogroms.

Last week, a group thought to be a small, poorly organized group loosely affiliated with Al Qaeda, fired two home made rockets into Israel and Israel retaliated and blamed the Lebanese goverment for the attack (the only way a legitimate claim of self defense can be made is by assigning guilt to the government of the territory from which a missile is launched). Both Hezbollah and the Lebanese government denied any responsibility for the attack. Meanwhile, Israel fired on a fishing boat in Naqoura which is a small seaside village bordering Israel and Lebanon which is a frank vilation of the UN resolution that ended the horrendous war crime Israel perpetrated on the Lebanese civilian population (collective punishment for ?) in 2006.

Israel you see, does whatever it wants to. Doesn't consult with the UN peacekeeping forces and sometimes even attacks the UN peacekeeping forces.

I personally don't see an Israeli attack in the making but news reports from the ME do suggest that it is highly possible in the near future that Israel may attempt once again to ethnically cleanse the region along it's northern border of the legitimate occupants who are mostly Shia muslims but also a healthy contingent of Maronite Christians. It wouldn't be the first time. Afterall, Israel is built on the blood and bones of people they murdered in order to form the illegal state of Israel which is not recognized by any ME countries save those on the payroll of the United States (client regimes) like Jordan and Egypt.

In the Jewish daily Ha'aretz, the language is quite tame and indicates that Israel is on the defensive now rather than the offensive:

"The explosions showed that Hezbollah is arming and getting stronger, but the IDF is organized and ready for everything."

Although Ha'aretz is known for it's liberal and pro peace stand, in this case, it misrepresents the facts indicating weakness of the Israeli people. Hezbollah had nothing to do with the attacks. Of course not. Hezbollah is a professional outfit and doesn't launch "home made" rockets nor does it ever launch piecemeal attacks like this. When Hezbollah has something to do with an attack, it will be and always is obvious because they take their operations quite seriously. They also respect their enemies enough to not lie about actual attacks and counter attacks. That is one of the weapons (truth/honesty) that destroyed Ehud Olmert who has recently been deposed by the Israeli people (for corruption).

Hezbollah has literally changed the society of the Middle East in general and the Levant specifically into one of Resistance rather than Submission to the Israeli War Machine. This article is from the second in command of Hezbollah, Shaikh Naim Qassem who is widely considered the "bad cop" of the good cop/bad cop partnership of Nasrallah and Qassem, Inc.:


He invites all Lebanese citizens, Muslim and Non to participate in the resistance society from which there is "no turning back" and which Nasrallah promises will end the injustice of the Israeli state forever:

"Thus the whole society becomes a resistance society; it provides what is required of it to then go back to the normalcy of daily life. Hence a resistance society is not one in which arms are randomly distributed to all the people, but such a community governs energies and capacities into an integrated process of confrontation."

The Christian president of Lebanon echoes this sentiment when he says that the Lebanese Armed Forces should act as a complement to the victorious party (Hezbollah) who is most likely better armed than the state itself:

"Speaking to graduating officers at the Fiadiyeh Military Academy on Friday in the occasion of Lebanon's 63rd annual Army Day, Suleiman stressed that the army's weapons should embrace the ones addressed against the enemy "that was already defeated by the Resistance and the army"."

"Your duty "goes beyond politics and confessionalism (sectarian affiliation). Maintaining security is your duty, which requires sacrifices," Suleiman told the graduating class, which he named after Brigadier General Francois al-Hajj, who was martyred in a bombing."

President Suleiman goes further to identify internal enemies of the state of Lebanon (Al Qaeda and Christian Lebanese Forces affiliates) as being on the zero tolerance list of every citizen of Lebanon and more importantly, the integrated Lebanese Army which just so happens to be composed mostly although not entirely of Shia muslim soldiers:

"Suleiman urged the army to confront "violators" to avoid civil strife and stressed the need to safeguard the military's unity. "Do not hesitate to curb violators no matter what their affiliations are," Suleiman told graduating cadets at the Military Academy in Fayadieh. "Isn't it a duty to confront anyone who shoots" at his compatriot? Suleiman asked."

"The Lebanese army fought fierce battles in the Nahr al-Bared camp" at this time last year, Sleiman recalle, referring to the Lebanese Armed Forces' summer-long fight against the Fatah al-Islam organization in the northern Palestinian refugee camp, a fight Suleiman himself oversaw, as the army commander at the time. "You have preserved our national unity with your sweat and blood. Do not let it be shaken now," the President said."

The secretary general of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah goes on to order that all interal collaborators in league with the Israeli/US plan for the ME which involves direct and indirect internal meddling be given the harshest penalty possible under the law and he suggests that that start not with members of other religious sects but with the Shia themselves (and yes, some Shia are evil doers and traitors to the Lebanese population):

In this issue I want to be frank and decisive, do not play with security or the judiciary, like the old game of '6 by 6 per sect repeated.' In other words placing the treatment of collaborators under the influence of balances religious confessions and sects.

I say begin the death penalty with collaborators from the Shiaa community.

Fourth: An invitation. Today I like to address the rest of the spies and agents who are still on Lebanese territory, who have not been arrested yet. I say to you 'You are completely exposed, the hands to arrest you will soon reach you, it is why I offer you to quickly surrender yourselves to the official security services and the Lebanese judiciary, lest that lighten your penalty, you spies and collaborators must know you have no value to your Zionist masters, because as far as "Israel" is concerned you are worth a handful of dust, that is why you should guard yourself by quickly returning to your home, people and State before it is too late.

Fifth: We in Hizbullah have always cooperated with the security agencies, but I announce today that we in the resistance will maximize the efforts and cooperation, without any reservations with all official bodies, in a comprehensive national public effort to achieve this noble goal, which is to clean Lebanon up from the networks of spies and agents.

Sixth: we must cooperate to mitigate the political environment, to not allow political and sectarian divisions in the country to justify collaboration and treason. I must also draw the people's attention in all areas, especially in towns and large cities where issues quickly dissipate and become forgotten, when in villages a dead person is kept alive in the people's memory for even a hundred after their death.

I want to say we must act responsibly with legitimacy, morally and fraternally.
The Holy Quran says "... no bearer of burdens can bear of burdens the burden of another" Holy Quran 6:164.
The collaborator and spy in one of our villages or families, is not the fault of their father, mother, wife, children or family. It is bad enough that this or that collaborator wronged his own family therefore; it is not permissible for anyone to wrong his family or relatives.

They are our community, people, citizens, neighbours and distant relatives, we must lament their situation, lighten their burden, and stand by their side, because their wound is very painful, it is more painful than any wound, I know as you do, particularly in south Lebanon, the feelings of any family, father, mother, wife, child or daughter whose son, husband or father is a collaborator.

In this regard I hope the collaboration matter is dealt with in complete compassion.
God Almighty calls on us to reflect His characteristics in His creation, He is with great mercy and compassion and strong impunity. I invite you express mercy with the families and severe punishment with agents and spies.

He goes on to suggest that these collaborators are not merely intelligence agents for Israel but indeed, have harbored TNT in their homes and assisted Isreali operatives in and out of the country and hence, they obviously deserve the death penalty if charged with being "agent executors".

The unification of Lebanon is contrasted with the Disunity of Israel and the people who occupy Palestinian homes and lands. No Occupier in the history of mankind has EVER remained in the land that they occupied. None.

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