
A Few Words About 2007

Almost tired now, this century
ought not have started you
know but it just keeps on going.
This is a daffodil party,
a sturm and drang dry season
with a lot of wind though
to cool these upset stomachs
and winsome inclinations.
It's about spring now or couldn't
you tell ??? the bees over
in the cottonwood trees -
a good team.
Go team, go bees.
Only 93 more until
the next hazing and then some

but we keep on keepin on,
we just go team go team
until there isn't go enough
to go around. A plenty,
we are so full of aplenty
that to stay home and take
some is just about right
and it is the suggestion.
Just get in there and hide
say the bees and later
that day I see the Bee Guy
go by and I know we
were talking Africanized.
So it is about a few minutes
later and I just can't wait
for this century to end.



Photo: CMJ Productions/borrowed

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