
One of the favorite "sayings" I have coined over the years is "What next, the plague?" Of course, it could never match my all time favorite,

"They thought I was a Marine Barracks.
They thought I was a tire burning."

Well, this one wasn't half bad considering the circumstances under which it was written:

I wonder.. to whom was he speaking,

where was he pointing?

(We cannot count "My Drink With BJ" because it is actually a set of strories that is retold on blog after blog after blog and was never used in a poem and I won't even mention the Zirconias out of respect for the dead)

It is so nice to see everyone tagging along now:


Go team, Go bees!

wow, amen (Ode to Seven)

or rather:

Where to put Mars now?
Whose house next?

Those were good times, a father saving a daughter,a sister to lean on. A hospital to go to.

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