
The Honey Moon


Tell me this
is the last adventure
and I'll go home, stop
bothering God for information
about you. I'll stop spying
through your candles and dirty
mists. I married not a man
but the whole country, wedded
rivers while marching
across stones, my innocence
lost on a flight from which
I stepped into a sea
of armies and posters.
My teeth got ground into paste,
a dowry wasted on one hiding
place after another looking
for the auction of the future
where the last bidder is death.

I gave birth to mementos and distress
near bodies of chalk

sucked naked by gravity.
Our children dragged
baggage and
through the streets
as the news catered
our bitterest meals.

We never leave and never arrive,
airport to airport with a cold bravado
saying the strangest things.


Anonymous said...

Poor, poor Lebanon.

And it seems things will only get worse. :(

Take care!

Carmenisacat said...

Good ole anon.

You are growing on me anon. You remind me of someone I used to know who was also named anon. I hear it is the second most popular name in humanity next to Mohamed and closely followed by Jo Pete.