

Finkelstein on the deafening silence of America. The motion is made that the US media stifles criticism of Israel (the sub motion on that should be, "with the DIRECT intimidation, aid and propaganda of the Zionist Lobby").

The motion is passed with a more than 2/3 majority.

A very important point in this is that the central premise of the motion is that there is a MAJOR disconnect with what average people NOW believe, talk about openly and agree upon (majority wise) and that is STILL not reflected in the mainstream US/Zionist controlled media. That means that this vote substantiates the motion on an even higher level and that would be 1. It is taking place in the UK and not the USA 2. The audience members are a majority opinion of freely attending adult students in a major institution of higher learning (again, not a US one) 3. The UK now supports an ever increasing number of muslim people 4. The Zionist media is still operating on the false assumption that everyone is as blind as they are to their disunity, disproportionate representation in the media and their complete lack of any sense of logic and 5. The illusion is proved true, the simulacra* is then a fallacy and beyond a shadow of a doubt, is an absolute IDEAL with no basis in reality.

Zionism is in its death throes and what should frighten everyone on this planet is the fact that Israel is desperate. The most desperate country on the planet.

This man, Finkelstein deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. The fact is...he will very likely be threatened, fired and otherwise ostracized. To this day, he hasn't appeared on any American News Media program.

*Baudrillard saw four (simulacra): (1) basic reflection of reality, (2) perversion of reality; (3) pretense of reality (where there is no model); and (4) simulacrum, which “bears no relation to any reality whatever.”

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