

We are all fine and good. Things are very tense still...well who expects more than that.

Here are more parts to the story. The group Fatah al Islam is not only supported by Hariri, but last month when they went to Hariri's bank to withdraw their usual "salary", they weren't given anything and so they turned around and robbed the bank, took refuge in the camp and then slaughtered the army which guards the entrance/exit of all the camps in Lebanon (which was part of the US deal to disarm the PLO many years ago i.e. that they would be "supervised" by guarding but forbidden from entering).

So there you go. I don't know exactly what the US has to do with this other than it provides an excellent opportunity to push for the "settlement" of the Pals here in Lebanon. Problem is, there is no where to settle them and no resources to do it with. Oh man what a mess.

Whatever. We are just going to lay low though and wait and watch. Down here in the South it is very stable but that can change rather quickly. They are reporting that an Al Q group posted a threat to the Lebanese Army and the Christians here which means that if it is a valid video, Al Q plans to start suicide missions here in the Levant.

What to do? The food is, as you remember it, fabulous. We had okra stew yesterday and the day before we roasted meat and kafta outside on the grill. Every morning it is the usual cheeses, eggs, olives and tea.

The house is almost completely repaired but needs to be patched and painted on the outside where the shells laid it wide open. I am really awestruck at what Umi did. Mel tells me that the combined donations to the Southern Lebanese people from Iran/Hezbollah exceeded 1.5 billion USD. Wow.

Bint Jubail is in ruins as are many towns. Here in Haris, the old town square is flattened and gone and all the poor who lived there displaced to surrounding villages. The bridges on the highways are rapidly being repaired but a couple of them were massive structures and will require years and mucho dinero to replace.

I wonder, when will the US and Israel be billed for this war crime? What scum.

(Now...I will post that letter on the blog because I am on a very slow server and if I want to write for the blog I might lose it and the server might go down...hope you don't mind.)

All our love and don't worry


Anonymous said...

You may think we Americans are scum, we really don't care. What our stupid government does is unfortunately out of our control. Most Americans would love to be out and away from your country and your area of the world. Pull all the monies we give to foriegn leaders, pull our troops and just come home.Then you all could just war and fight and do whatever you like! And if you think the God of the Bible will let you destroy Israel or Jerusalem then I say just go ahead and try. See what will happen to you.
A scum American

Carmenisacat said...

Well. I am an American and I don't really think of Americans as scum. Because that would be sort of like calling myself scum and that doesn't make sense unless you support the Chewbaca defense. (Look it up)

Now then. This "God of the Bible". Is there more than one God and if there is, if they duke it out do you think your "God" (since you are OBVIOUSLY a polytheist who holds that there is more than one God..mine and yours I suppose)....who will win?

I have to wonder...do you want this "God of the Bible" to win or is it you want this "God of Yours" to win?

Salaams to you anyway and my condolences for having to live life in ignorance. It must be really challenging for you.