
Every time a poet does this,
they risk quitting forever - Darla Whitehead

Which Lingua Franca

In the most Oriental chapters of chaos
are the great portals of time, the backwards
and forwards of speech are opened, closed
bang bang bang, interpretation in the breezes.
The dietary is shared with disaster
in the pigment of newsprint and rally.
Who bothers about the senate anymore
when each thing branches into a hundred more,
a very long history of policy is the groundwork
for a mudslide in a milieu of plunder.
There isn't a quick fix for this, there isn't
a new order. There is this right now
in the revocation of prairies, that haze.
Your God and mine. That makes two.
The future isn't written in Latin anymore.


And of course, there's this:

After the Communist takeover in 1949, Mao Zedung set about dividing the Muslims into nationalities so they would identify with their 'ethnic' origin and not their 'Muslim' identity.
According to population statistics of 1936, the then Kuomingtang Republic of China had an estimated 48,104,240 Muslims. After the introduction of Mao's policies, this number was reduced to ten million. No official Chinese explanation has ever been given for this apparent disappearance of around 38 million Muslims. The mass extermination and destruction of the Muslims of China pales before the much publicized plight of a handful of Tibetan monks or the democrats of Tiannaman Square.

Talk about a Holocaust!


In the past the Hui were among the least orthodox Muslims in the world. Many smoked and drank, few grew beards, and Hui women rarely wore veils. Increased contact with the Middle East, however, has wrought changes. Thousands of Hui students have returned from colleges in Arab countries over the past few years and they have brought with them stricter ideas of Islam. Mosques in Ningxia have now begun to receive worshippers five times a day, more Hui women have taken to wearing headscarves, and skullcaps are in wide evidence. There is a strong identification among the Hui community today with the wider problems of the Islamic world. "It's American policy that has given all of us Muslims a bad reputation," said Yang, Tai Zi Mosque's female imam, quivering with indignation. "We are a peace-loving religion, but look what they [the Americans] have turned us into. Look what lies they spread about us," she continued. The 50 women surrounding her all nodded slowly in assent. For many non-Muslim Chinese, this identification of the Hui with communities outside of China is problematic. "Earlier the Hui were just like us except they didn't eat pork. Now they think they are very special. They think of themselves as foreigners," a Foreign Office official in Ningxia complained. The Hui are exempt from China's one-child policy, and affirmative-action schemes reserve special seats for them at universities and government departments. In interior regions such as Ningxia that have been left out of the economic boom of China's coastal region, competition for jobs is intense and resentment against the Hui's "special" privileges is increasing.


Carmenisacat said...

Well, perhaps now you see the point of being Pro Bush in order to be "leaders" and not "followers".

That chance is over now and to pretend that you don't have to deal with the Midievalness of others is just more Western arrogance.

Well....looks pretty messed up here to me. Shooting Amish school girls for no reason and wives for no reason and families on freeways for no reason.

Is it any wonder that the Midieval types see your type of violence as senseless and theirs, as resistance and liberation?

What silly points and rants.

I could have written your script three years ago.

Carmenisacat said...

In fact, one wonders what your treatment would be of the Chinese should they be so lucky to sit on the rivers of oil?

Man. Now it takes some imagination to see what kind of back peddling you would have to do with the Tang Dynasty.

What an idgit.

Carmenisacat said...

Like I said, you have to read Central Asia. That development is far more important than your silly tryings.

All those democrats love Jesus too...what on earth will you do then my friend?

Run from Jesus?

Yer gonna have to wear yer Nikes for that!

Carmenisacat said...

Six Articles of Faith

To believe in Allah.

To believe in Allah's Angels.

To believe in Allah's revealed books, the Qu'ran, the New Testament, the Psalms of David, the Torah, and the Pages of Abraham.

To believe in Allah's messengers.

To believe in the last day.

To believe in Allah's determination of affairs, good or bad. This is a reaffirmation of the concepts of divine fore-knowledge and fate.

Carmenisacat said...


This does not include the Talmud.

That is the stuff of knot blowing and astrologies.

Yes, it was taught to David and Solomon...but it was cautioned that it was not to be utilized. It was a TEST.

It was funny to hear on the morning show the trend towards kabbalism and all that stuff going on with the Madonna. And that baloney about Mel Gibson.

Mel Gibson's father was a ranting lunatic and probably still is. But muslims are not basing their judgements on Mel Gibson's father.

That is for you types who label others arrogantly as "Midieval".

Well go ahead, develop a better book, a better approach and present it.

So far, all I've seen is ranting, raving, unbelievable persecution of others who don't "agree" with you and in one very important case:

actual lying.

I only wish Dale knew the story of that and that I never said one word about him to anyone other than him in personal letters in which HE wrote to me first.

That was awful.

Almost as awful as the constant and demoralizing attack on my character...why?

Because I said drinking gets in the way of logic?

Well it does and if you don't think so...go ahead and have at it.
It won't get you into hell the way I see it but what will is the actual act of lying and harrassment of a muslim whose only hope is to teach others.

This is one of the worst things a person can do and trust me, I've known many peole who didn't agree with me but only a few who chose to defamate my character. One of them in fact threatened my life.

So, consider yourself in good company with a hard core Zionist in Israel who threatened to abduct my children.

Congrats. You belong there. The two of you.

All because I told you the truth.

Carmenisacat said...

As for Don.

Well, Don wanted to converse with me but stated he knew nothing of the prophets.

Well...what kind of conversation can I have with him?

And more importantly, can I continue playing into the notion that he is so neglected when in fact, he is not? The least neglected out of the group and with more books to his name than any poet I know personally. How then am I to suggest that it is a ruse?

I could care less about his views on Israel. He doesn't live there.

And when he started getting nasty with me in personal letters, I simply said: Keep the faith and good bye.

Its not my fault that a war happened and war crimes were commited. They were bound to and just an FYI, the Israeli government is working on The Final Solution but you are too busy trying to defamate me and cannot seem to read the press releases about Lieberman and the hard core Zionist right wing in Israel.

Well, when the day comes that the Final Solution is upon you...please..do not come to me because I am just going to have to say:

I told you so.

Carmenisacat said...

And this goes for both of YOU:

Let me know if you would like me to burn a copy of the DVD showing the hate crimes committed in my home in south Lebanon. Not acts of soldiers or war..just hate crimes.

I'll be glad to send you a copy, postage paid. For free.

It would be my honor.

Zionism is evil and even more so since the whole premise is the persecution of Jews by Hitler.

Well go find out why the concentration camps were not taken out by the "allies" and then, only then, will you begin to understand the complete lie of Zionism and it's heinous abuse of Judaism in order to establish a military outpost for American Zionism (utopianism of the worst sort based on ethnic purity).

When and IF you do that type of reading (I've found people only read what they WANT to believe in and fail absolutely to read anything to the contrary)...then come back at me with the real arguments.

This isn't about Jews.

This is about the corruption called Zionism and we all need to fear it more than anything else...before the govermnent convinces you Iran is going to have a nuclear bomb and destroy Israel.

Well...the way things are going...who would blame them?

IF Israel were to immediately disarm and OWN UP TO ITS CRIMES against HUMANITY, then let's see what that looks like.

But it ain't happening especially when so called intelligent people like you two constantly reverse the argument into one of anti semitism.

Predictable. Yes. Excusable? No.

I, like the rest of the muslim world, require an apology.

Just like Khomeini wanted one from the US when it backed Saddam and instead of finishing that war in which Iran would have most likely taken over Iraq eventually, they started the Lebanese Civil War along with a little help from their "Osamaites" who they were helping to train in Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Chickens DO come home to roost.
