
The Shi'i Tradition of establishing a leader's "history": Enta meen?

What is GWB's history? JFK assassination, the Hinkley assassination attempt among other things like being the descendent of Nazi/Zionist money launderers and an heir to the throne of those who threw two very large incindiary devices on the people of Japan after the war had already been more or less, won by the Allies.

What is Iran's history and the history of it's FREELY ELECTED presidents (like Ahmedinijad)?

Here, Iran declared NEUTRALITY in WWII and was caught between two definitive forces, Stalin and the "Allies". Wha? You betcha. No nuclear proliferation noticed however there is a distinct distaste and disgust for HYPOCRISY.

That is Iran's family lineage and it includes Mossadeq.....just another Lumumba I guess. So inconsequential to the average US citizen. Until now.

The White Genocide against the Native Americans and the expulsion of the indigenous tribes of Mexico from the southwest is just the LOCAL version of White Heiniosity. But it is used as some sort of thing that Americans are bludgeoned with routinely as if the current residents of Douglas and Nogales, AZ might address that travesty. Well...indeed. And they are...building the wall of China here. They don't feel a bit bad about it either. Forget trying to teach them something about Stalinist Russia, the bolsheviks and the mansheviks...that is just TOO DAMN MUCH to expect from the little sweet whipper snappers.

Iran in Context:


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