
On The Theosophy of Mind Control

I was just horrified to read one person's take on the Amish affair in which said person villified the Christian Right in order to lay Buddhist claim on the Amish. Ahem. What a bonehead.


I wondered about the equality of souls. And the absence and denial of such a thing by those who seek to denegrate belief systems that do not fit in nicely with various forms of mind control.

The problems of engaging this sort of wreck into a solution are self evident as all those who "propagate" such ideologies are in fact, full of ideologies themselves or LACK of them (supposedly and this is the real problem in a nutshell: objectivity).

Who exactly, is entitled to this objectivity? Is any single mortal soul so very objective? The fiction writer Llosa ponders this and concludes that people MUST invent fictions (particularly Marxist but not limited to and including ALL forms of religion (that Llosa was exposed to anyway)). As well, Aunt Julia was written "in retrospect" of failed Marxist versus Roman Catholic overthrows in Latin America and the consequent "merge" towards a centrist view of any given observer of said political/moral crises. This of course (Llosa's commentaries) is written after the success of Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter among other novels. Fictions, in CONTEXT however, are successful not because they are necessary (as Llosa declares) but because they are sold. Like any given belief system might be sold. Like any soul might sell his own or might barter in the "organization" of souls. The failure or success rate of any given philosophy is disregarded when it is convenient for those who like to disregard such things, see it fit to do so. One might say this in the context also of Sayyed Nasrallah's claim to a "Divine Victory" and to the admission on the part of Israel of it's defeat. Sadly though, Israel isn't necessarily upset about committing war crimes but about LOSING A WAR. This of course, can lead to a myriad of results and one of those is the continued struggle for Zionism to lay claim to Souls. Christian to Right Wing to Buddhist to Muslim. They've no clue do they, what exactly has been lost. What has been lost is any claim to an ethical yardstick by which their so-called Religious (Zionism is notoriously atheistic but pretends to be Jewish when in fact, most Zionists are ethnocentric colonists in foreign lands i.e. Eastern European to the New Jersey-ites) context lays claim. Much as the Roman Catholic tradition loses any ability to debate its way out of a difference of opinion regarding such things as conversion, Virgin Births and crucifictions with both Rabbi and Imam.

Reminds me of motivational speakers and leaders. Where would they be without their sacred theosophies! Who on earth would they condemn and what model would they use to satisfy their cloaked "world views" which are nothing more than partisan politics and psychologies? How do they convert others to their milque-toast belief systems which condition the oppressed to just keep "taking it up the arse" and being peaceful about it...quietism as a Prophetic Mystery System is nothing more than that and lacks any single piece of proof regarding its validity in the arena of human concerns and oppressions.


Which brings me to the word of Allah, "Qaallaam". Now, you cannot mess with certain things especially when those things come equipped with scientific proofs as the Quran does. It takes the work right out of thinking!

That in turn leads to the argument contained in the ego of any given soul. "I ought to be able to think through this," it says to me (or you). Most smart people and some dumb people too, like to think out loud and they love what they think (me too but mine is based in a *love of Islam and Allah and is strictly contained in those parameters which are not only mind boggling but mind bogglingly unending..new questions begged to be asked all the time you know like just what is the meaning of the Lie?)

Theo-sophism is exactly that:

A sophist trying to wriggle around in the theology of the selfishly inclined practioner of his own concoctions (ideologies springing from the minds of folks such as "Buddha" and "Marx" "Ben Gurion and Herzl" and those that develop their wiggly little strategems for identifying "the bad guys"). And the result is, more sophistry and widespread social anesthetism in sheep's gear and sometimes, violence against those who possess skills at RESISTING mind control..

*Recently, in Ha'retz, they wanted to perform an experiment in "debate" and the question was: What is right about Islam and why do muslims love it so much?

Well, unfortunately, because so many people in the world have been brainwashed so thoroughly, the only people that can understand the love of Islam and of Allah are those who practice it in the first place. The transference involved in "ideological" finger pointing is considered job number one for muslims in terms of defeating the heinous misrepresentation and ignorance of the universal value of Islam in the Western environment and in the context of Bush Hegemony because people like the bonehead above tend to lump all types of religious systems in one big basket and operate on them as if they know more than Allah. IN their own psychology it is called Transference and Counter-transference and it is VERY real in that it can be demonstrated but is not what ought to be followed as it is no more than human logic playing with the human soul and what makes each individual "different".

All things that are known, studied, cultured in labs and seen through the Hubble are created and exist prior to our giving them their value. That is one argument that simply cannot be won by mankind and therefore, Islam serves as a guide to those who have some time on their hands and enough intelligence to look a little beyond their own two noses on their two faces, the objective one (that cannot exist by virtue of it being contained in the brain which is susceptible to propaganda) and the subjective one involved in public posturing like the self righteous blather of the bonehead cited above..

All human speech is a form of propaganda. All, including my own. That I rely on the highest form of propaganda is the crux of this issue. But only the well read can understand the best parts of that argument or defend it as a means for seeking real peace in the world amongst a variety of people, sects and human problems.

What it boils down to in the end is:

Which system possesses the strongest proofs? And that my friend, in the modern world in which there are no more prophets or prophets performing miracles with the permission of Allah...leaves it to human reason. Science, historical fact and the intention of each human soul in the process aka the aspirations of all people of faith regardless of their sect.

1 comment:

Carmenisacat said...

If you say so.

What I've found is, most people don't read anyway.

Oh well.

Things are just totally messed up anymore.

My advice is only to help folks accept...it isn't like anyone can change this big plan.

Just accept and, move on.