
Zionism is a Cancer and those
who cannot define Zionism are just SOL.


After the crocodile tears the ad reaches its conclusion: "If we do not succeed in stopping terrorism around the world, chaos will rule and innocent people will continue to die. We need to support democratic societies and stop terrorism at all costs".

This supposedly "even handed" condemnation of the deaths of innocent people is a vicious deceit. The U.S. backed Israeli assault on Lebanon left much of that country a smoking ruin. Over 1,200 Lebanese people, the vast majority of them civilians and many of them children, died in the high tech Israeli onslaught. The savage massacre at Qana, in which 56 people, 34 of them children, died, was perpetrated by bombs made in the U.S.

"Everyone in southern Lebanon is a terrorist and is connected to Hezbollah", said Israeli Justice Minister Ramon two days before the bombing of Qana. His statement was a justification of mass murder past, present, and future. As British journalist Robert Fisk reported, "There was no doubt of the missile which killed all those children yesterday. It came from the United States, and upon a fragment of it was written: 'For use on MK-84 Guided Bomb BSU-37-B'. No doubt the manufacturers can call it 'combat-proven' because it destroyed the entire three-storey house in which the Shalhoub and Hashim families lived. They had taken refuge in the basement from an enormous Israeli bombardment, and that is where most of them died."

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