
This is where this story ends for now. I hope all who get a chance to really read through some of the essays here will understand some of the big picture of Islam now. That it was never ever about Osama. You were just ignorant of it...to busy with the vanities in life to take the time to read what it says and connect the dots to history and the books of other religions. My work here is really all I have now save for a few bits and bobs.

Nevermind....poetry is temporary. This life is only a vanity.

What is more important is that I am now separated from my truly wonderful family in south Lebanon who are only a km or less away from the battles. All of them TRAPPED in a house...thirty or forty of them, mostly children with no escape. Israel already occupied our home for two years in 1982 but things were different then. There were still a few REAL believing Jews in their armies. What they now have in Israel as reported in the newspapers today is this:


Wow. You've got to wonder what that old Jewish tradition is and what is WAS and what it is supposed to be. I'm relatively sure it isn't to murder and maim people who are simply fighting for their lives, their fellow muslims and truth.

Well, when I am asked about my bitter battles with the Silliman racist blog and with my own good friends who failed to be able to look up a word or two on their own (ZIONISM) by Allah...then this will be documented as well.

85% of all Israelis believe in SERIAL KILLING.

1 comment:

Carmenisacat said...

Like I said, 85% of Israelis believe in the brutal torture of those whose only crime is to cry FOUL. Here, we have an example of one who is not only wearing the uniform of the murderer but telling me I haven't the right to even cry FOUL.

Well, let me tell you this....everyone and everything returns to the creator. You too and now you've gone on record as agreeing with war crimes.

Good luck on Judgement Day. You'll need it.

I refer you to Sura 109 which will inform you of my feelings. Go your way and I go mine. You've got your beliefs and I've got mine and clearly, they are not the same. I'm willing to be accountable for my thoughts and accusals and you should be too.

And remember pal, no one touched you especially me. You just feel guilty. I know how it is...I'd feel pretty bad too if I was backing a holocaust.

BTW, when they eradicated 6 million Jews in that holocaust, they basically got rid of the best ones leaving few behind who actually follow the Torah. I'd wager you don't follow it nor have you read it. That much I'm certain of and am also certain that the Torah does not condone disproportionate violence. Eye for an eye....remember that one?

We all know it.

Peace on those that deserve it.