
From the War Zone Called
The United States of America

United? Hmm. Not really. The journalist who interviewed us the other day is actually a reservist in the Air Force. He has been to Iraq in just the past year. An older man, well traveled and apparently, a Christian. As you can see, even he is willing to provide some of the truths as long as he remains faithful to this Patriotic Code that has been used to divide Americans amongst themselves.

In Ramstein Germany, at that AF base, I had the opportunity to meet with several members of that branch of the military. Nice guys, the cream of the crop. We sat outside the community center where they had set up a station to receive the refugees fleeing Israeli War Crimes in Lebanon. Fine people. All except one young man who was obviously just a jerk regardless of whose side of a war he was or will be fighting on. Jerks are the same regardless of what uniform they wear. Anyway, I had the opportunity to speak candidly with some of these fine young people about things...you know..things. They listened intently but especially two black guys. They were my real audience. There was also a Christian Maronite man, a moderate (yes, the Maronites also have their XENOPHOBES which is a better word to describe those who label all muslims as terrorists etc.).
We discussed both politics and Islam. There was also a young girl with us and her beautiful baby named Lilly.
The young girl was unmarried and had been staying with her muslim family from her father's side in Beirut. She was unmarried and copped to having left the neglectful father of the child in Phoenix, AZ. Oh...she was a cutie and the AF guys thought so too. I knew better though as she had been with us all the way from Beirut and I'd had the opportunity to watch as she demonstrated neglectful patterns of parenting. She had abandoned the tot on the USS Trent for over three hours leaving the people around where she had left the tot sleeping on a cot very worried and concerned. I think she is typical of many young women in America today (like the two girls in my daughter's senior class here)....helpless and with a child to care for. Anyway...the talk amongst the cadets turned to beer and the need to 'get some' because this young mother decided suddenly, at three in the morning GMT +1 that it would be a fine idea to get drunk with a bunch of strangers.

I stepped in and said, much to the surprise of those around me, "No, you don't need beer right now. You have a job to do and take care of Lilly." There was a bit of shock and the jerk looked daggers at me. A real Shaitan in him you see....but the black guys? They were amazed. When we ambled out to the bus that was to carry us to yet another AF cargo plane the two of them ran out onto the tarmac and shook my hand and asked where they could buy my book. I laughed about those Odes and the other, The Book of Warnings and told them...it isn't published yet but when you see it, my face will be there and you'll recognize it. You see, Islam is particularly valuable to blacks who have suffered and continue to suffer racial bigotry. In Islam there isn't such a thing as 'color' in terms of discrimination. All there is is discrimination against belief and non belief. And even then, non believers are treated with all due respect. All due respect until they violate us or our treaties with the Creator. Then they are treated like open enemies. The Shaitan you see, is the OPEN ENEMY of the believer....says so in the Quran. Easy to see for a believer. Very.

That however isn't what I wanted to relate here. At some point during the conversation, the AF cadets or whatever you call them, said to us, "Well at least you are going to a place where there isn't any war."

I said, "To the contrary. Americans are at war in their MINDS."

As we strapped ourselves into the jump seats in the cargo plane I happened to look across the aisle and notice the moderate Maronite Christian (and I say moderate in the sense that he has lived in the US for years and years and hasn't seen the inside of a church in about as long)...I saw him staring at me, his chin low to his chest so that his eyes were aimed up from under half closed lids...I saw him make a quick sign of the Cross as if to show me he wouldn't give up.

Yes, there is a long road ahead for Lebanon and for Islam. Islam wasn't over when the Ottoman Empire collapsed. That, my dear readers, was only the tiny beginning. And hopefully, the middle part will be much more pleasant now that some people on the planet have their thinking caps on.

"Hope the car starts. Hope is all there is." -The Book of Warnings, Darla Whitehead


Erin said...

I know that you're angry, and I can't blame anyone in the Middle East for being angry... and I want you to understand that I don't ask this question to incite any more anger, but I do have to ask: Why do you feel that it's at all productive to make sweeping generalizations about Americans, or any other group of people for that matter? Americans are NOT all the irresponsible scum you seem to believe, just as all Muslims are not terrorist minded.

I read your blog daily, or, as often as you post, because you're on my bloglines, and I have to say, to read your entries, full of anger and hatred and vitriol - it saddens me to know that it is this attitude that prevails in politics today, and is a large part of the reason that there can never be peace.

I hope that you can overcome the anger in your heart, and find peace within yourself because it is highly doubtful that any of us will ever find peace any where else.

Carmenisacat said...

First Erin, thank you for reading and commenting.

Second, I am not the leader of a country :)

I'm a human being who has not only witnessed a portion of this war crime close up, but have also been personally victimized over this Zionist issue not only by Ron Silliman who displayed not only simple bigotry but DOUBLE bigotry when he stated, "an American woman living AS A muslim in Lebanon"...as if I were 'playing one on TV'.

I was also singled out for abuse by my very long time friend Joseph Green and his friend Tim Smith due to the EXACT same thing. Zionism.

My so called "anger"...well...geez...when anyone here has seen a bomb up close and they KNOW who paid for it as well as who launched it...and they can then be "not angry"...let me know.

I'm not angry anymore...I'm so very grateful to have once again been witness to a world event up close and personal. I've nothing but thankfulness to the Creator who chose me to witness such things and who endowed me with the power to discuss things intelligently. It is unfortunate that other poets took it upon themselves to pick me for a target for their bigotry and/or failure to take what I've been writing about ALL ALONG seriously. Joe and Tim both failed and failed BIG in that and apparently have had to deal with some sense of rejection.

Joe always did have a hangup regarding rejection. It's an issue he ought to learn to recognize because he creates what he hates...his own ostracization and so called persecutions.

All my best to you Erin...all my best. I truly appreciate your comments..whatever they may be. I know they are with good intentions.

Carmenisacat said...

All generalizations are made about the government and ANY who support the notion of a state designated for a religious minority or a political one, Zionism.

Zionism is a vile ideology that most Americans have failed to investigate. It is worse than Nazism and has implanted itself like a cancer using the religious tradition known as Judaism to cement its roots in the minds of Americans who are mostly Christians.

In turn, agnostics and athiests who hate all religions or at the very least, distrust them, have been used as unknowing accomplices is disseminating hatred of Islam which is VERY VERY different that the other two monotheistic traditions in that it has NOT been tampered with (if it has, it was very little and that occurred at the time of the first three Kalifs who are known by all muslims to have made a 'secret' decision to implement their own will as opposed to God's Will. They did this (appointing themselves to the first three slots of leadership of the religion known as Islam) with good intentions thinking that the real appointed Kalif (Ali Mu'mineen) had too much 'blood on his hands' because he had defended the prophet in battle and was known to have killed at least one member of each clan at the time of the re-emergence of Pure Monotheism.

It is complex and one must do far more research prior to casting judgement. Judgement is for those who actually have done their reading. Those that haven't...what can I say? No doubt it is all confusing and hence, you as Americans are used as unwitting accomplices in war crime after war crime after war crime in which it is desired by the Zionists to ethnically cleanse the world of all Shi'i.

Believe me, they know us as well as we know them.

Lebanon now is for the real Lebanese and Israel...well...I think those that remain in Israel deserve whatever they get. They know how the state of Israel was imposed on the indigenous Palestinians...it was through the murder and refugeeism created by the Haganah, an embryotic form of the Mossad and the IDF.

In the 1940s, the Brits knew the Zionists as Terrorists...but they caved in to them wanting to be rid of them in their own societies and also, the Europeans who felt the guilt of the genocide known as the Holocaust took land from the Palestinians and handed it over to a small political party in Pre WWII Germany known as the Zionists.

It is a long sad tale of deception.
And yes, the Mossad's creed is:

Wage war via deception.

And they do it...from Iraq to Afghanistan to Lebanon.

It is time they are stopped. I have little doubt that they also deceive the Jews....using their faith in order to abuse humanity, threaten world peace and achieve domination over minds, materials and men.

In the Quran it says:

They have a plan but Allah has a bigger one.

I guess you are surprised to be witnessing that....I'm not so forgive me for that. It is part of Islam. We knew all about this before it ever happened. We were warned. And anyone who reads the Quran can appreciate that warning.