


Hezbollah, regardless of WHAT CNN is telling you, is now more popular with the WORLD than any single group currently fighting world wide "democratic" style OPPRESSION and HYPOCRISY.

TS, the reason your comments were so inflammatory to me, as a muslim, is because you betrayed something not only of your ignorance but of your innate bigotry and indoctrination and obvious loyalty to the Zionist Controlled Media.

The FACT is, CNN CANNOT report the truth to the US viewing public. In fact, today, I literally heard Wolf Blitzer calling Hezbollah INSURGENTS.


In their OWN country? Man. Furthermore, another commentator stated that IRAN ENGINEERED THIS SHI'I MUSLIM GENOCIDE. Now, that is not only crazy but DEMOCRAZY.

Another personal perception I have had of late is that the same media that is lying to you about this monumental Israeli defeat and now, this heinous Israeli HATE CRIME, is that previous to this, that media hoped to introduce the populations of the world to Islam gradually. And hence, take credit for its arrival.

Islam is more powerful than that you see. More powerful than the muslims themselves. Islam defeats an individual without pointing a gun by implementing a logic that is without one flaw. Just like the universe which the Quran describes as having been created without "any gaps in it" and sheesh...go ask any astrophysicist about that! Ever hear of a Black Hole? Well, that whole idea emanates from the fact that the universe has far more 'space' in it and unity than can be attributed to the dinky amount of matter in it. Actually, the universe, technically, should have collapsed a long time ago or evaporated into a nefarious cloud of gas. I didn't say so. Stephen Hawking did.

And by the way, Hezbollah IS in the government of Lebanon. ELECTED.
Therefore, Israel has managed to twist almost every report of violence in the Middle East to associate every single act with Hezbollah AND MISREPRESENT THEM AS TERRORIST. Listen up, Hezbollah represents the people of south Lebanon in government and now, on the world stage. Nasrallah has CHANGED THE WORLD by implementing legitimate warfare agains ta scheming population of Fascists.. The ONLY thing Hezbollah is GUILTY of, is beating the Fascist Israeli Government the FIRST time. And that was the very first time the Fasciist Israeli BULLIES took on the Shi'i. This is the second.time and it will be the second defeat. You see, in the past, Israel took on the Sunni and then bought the Sunni after defeating the Sunni (Jordan, Egypt and Syria).

And after these monsters finish with their unbelievable HATE CRIME, the Crime Scene will demonstrate the level of Israeli hatred towards all Arabs. The only problem that I see is that now that these monsters are cornered, they will stop at nothing. Iran? One hopes not. One truly hopes not but we muslims accept this plan not of human origin that is tailor made by Israel's own hands to betray their true character to the world.


Carmenisacat said...

And for sure, Israeli does not imply Jew. Make a note of it.

Zionist does not imply Jew.

Israeli implies a citizen of an ethnocentrically bigoted state in which the only full citizens are of Jewish origin. Not necessarily of the Jewish faith. Face it, Israel has as many non faithful Jews in it as America has unfaithful Christians in it. It also has as many fanatical ones and as many devout ones as any other population. It may even be that those people were lied to by their government. I dunno.

Zionists on the other hand are those who follow the policies and beliefs of a splinter group belonging to pre WWII Germany. To those who believe Herzl was correct in his heinous notions of a Supreme Zionist entity that had no need to treat Arabs as human.

Carmenisacat said...

And yes, Israel has also Israeli Arabs. They aren't allowed to serve in the Israeli army.

They also have Druze who are allowed to serve. Druze are a sect of 'secret' society types who claim to be muslim but share NO COMMON practice with muslims like fasting, prayer or Haj. They believe in reincarnation and hence, disbelieve in the notion of one person, one soul and one account regarding the deeds of good and evil. No wonder they are allowed to fight for the fascists eh?

And no wonder the Arab Israelis are not. I mean come on....who would let a second class oppressed citizen of (usually) Palestinian origin fight for Israel. No one could trust them especially now as they carry out a pogrom against the entire state of Lebanon which has an army that allows ALL sects to serve regardless of religion.

So who is the democratic state here eh?

Carmenisacat said...

"You" people. Wow Kirb. Are you under the impression that there are humans unlike you? Humans that you must label "you muslims" or "you black folks"?

Got Niggeritis it seems. No problem, so many people do nowdays.
So many have been mislead by religion, especially Christians like yourself.

There is no YOU and no ME. There is US and we are united in our humanity. What you define is the worst sort of blind bigotry.

As regards the Palestinians....well...giving Palestinians full rights in Lebanon means admitting that Israel has a right to exist and I am not here to defend Israel's right to exist. They have obviously violated that RIGHT. When any one of us has a right and abuses that right, they lose that right and Israel, as a Zionist entity has done nothing but violate that right since it was given to them by the British Mandates. And, they got that by terrorizing the Brits FYI. Blowing up trains and the like.

But since you asked, many Palestinians DID get citizenship in Lebanon. They are all CHRISTIAN Palestinians. Imagine my surprise. Imagine my surprise that the Zionists (Herzl, et.al.) hoped to "design" a Christian state in Lebanon. They almost succeeded and even brought in the monkey army they so often love to use, the Americans, in order to violently cement the deal. What happened that time? 270+ US Marines were blown to bits. Of course that was after the stupid leaders of Christian America allowed them to be used to bomb Shi'i and Palestinian Ghettos in West Beirut.

Don't remember the Alamo Kirbs, remember Warsau. You do that.

Remember Kristalnacht if you can.


I don't tell lies Kirby. What has happened to you is that you are so poorly informed, you interpret anything and everything you do not understand and have spent so little time investigating (busy with Orlovsky and Corso I supose)..you interpret anything like that as a LIE.

It isn't a lie. And I would not accuse of lying. I only accuse you of absolute IGNORANCE. Complete, mind boggling Reader's Digest Ignorance.

Carmenisacat said...

But then again, you are a Christian and are facing the possibility that Jesus isn't God after all.

Must be hard Kirbs to have to diagnose your own condition under such duress.

You should have started much sooner so you would not be led into assumptions regarding issues and ideas that you are completely ignorant of.

Your choice. Keep reading the Language School Poets. Nonsense.

You fame mongerers are all the same. Worshiping Ideals.

Zarathustra Spake Kirby. Oh yea. You must have at least touched upon that tome once or twice.

Your twilight is upon you.

And by the way Kirbs, please do not forget that you have often cited your love of Zionism. You must remember that I have a memory like an elephant and a sharp mind. I realize that it is egotistical to say so in your company but I must so that you do not embarrass yourself by failing to admit comments you have made on Silliman regarding your love of the notion of a Zionist State.

Zionism, as I had to point out to my old friends Joe Green and Tim Smith means nothing more than Utopianism.

It is my fault to have assumed that I was dealing with intellectuals.