
Ideals Called Peace and Called Armageddon

I'm relatively certain we all understand the notion of an "ideal". A Nietschze based euphemism for a pagan idol. Therefore, I won't delve into further definition of that truth exposed by that truly great 'philosopher' which is best described by me to anyone who reads here as a 'secular theologian' as opposed to Hawking who is a 'scientific theologian'.

Poets in general, are and ought to be concerned with both Peace and Armageddon as ideals that they address in their work, absolutely. Other concepts which are not ideals are also of importance or ought to be, to poets and theologians, are those of Time and Death. What many people don't know is that most modern Shi'i theologians are also poets. One of my favorite Shi'i theologians and poet is Sheihk Fadallah, a Lebanese Shi'i. Mr. Fadallah was the target of a Mossad assassination attempt in the 1980s due to the depth of his understanding of the problem revolving around the idea of Judaism versus Zionism and his willingness to address it publicly. In that assassination attempt, the Mossad managed to kill nearly or perhaps it was more than, eighty innocent bystanders, completely missing their target. We can all see how impotent they are when it comes to the Shi'i.


"The Church Committee in 1975 uncovered many instances whereby the CIA had either planned an assassination, or backed one, doing away with such luminaries as president Patrice Lumumba, (Congo) president Salvador Allende (Chile) Che Guevara, president Rafael Trujillo, (Dominican Republic) and many attempts on president Fidel Castro. In the case of Lumumba, US President Eisenhower had ordered his assassination, but according to the CIA, Lumumba's domestic enemies got to him before the CIA's hit-men could kill him.

William Blum lists 42 successful and not-so-successful assassinations by the CIA and other US agencies in his outstanding expose Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II (Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1995). In one US assassination attempt, on Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fadallah, a Lebanese Shiite leader, eighty people were killed."

Time and Death are not ideals, they are constraints imposed on this existence by the creator. They are not ideals, they are 'relative' facts.

Peace, on the other hand, is not a constraint nor a fact nor a 'constant' even. Peace is an Ideal. Peace, as in Pacifism, is a notion thrust upon us by those who wish to oppress us by exploiting the innate goodness in almost all individuals. Perhaps there are some individuals who lack this variable, that of 'goodness' i.e. the psychopathic killer Jeffrey Dahmer. Peace, in a world composed of how many billions of weapons weilding and selling individuals, is impossible however, it is imposed on humans as if they ought to be able to achieve it when in fact, those imposing it upon them are the same individuals who profit from the techniques of war and by deduction, the 'peacetimes' that are the inevitable outcome of things such as ceasefires and treaties. By extension, in this generation of humanity, Democracy is used to impose constraints on the freedom of indigenous populations by the dominant culture, the Western and it is called Peace. Statistics favorable to the support of such ideals are sought after and all other indications that it is a failed human strategy and ideology are neglected. As it most recently has been in Palestine when the 'democratically' elected leaders were forced into prison and exile.

From Sura Al Baqra or The Cow:

2.9 They (who profess belief with the tongue only) pretend to Allah and to the believers the contrary of what they have in their minds; (By doing so) they deceive none but themselves but they perceive it not.

2.10 Their mental faculties are distempered and disordered. Allah worsened their pathological condition (according to His Laws) and they will suffer a distressful retribution because of the chronic conflict between what they assert and what is deep down in their minds.

2.11 And when it is said to them, “Do not cause corruption or disorder in the land [or do not make mischief and disrupt peace, order and balance of the society and the world]”, they say, “We are but reformers [redressing the systems and setting things right.

For a muslim, peace isn't about the absence of WAR. Peace is the notion of submission to the laws of Allah and by extension, Allah's creation, the universe. Peace is the willingness to face judgement on Judgement Day regarding one's actions and those do include actions associated with war times. Where non muslims refer to the failed Geneva Conventions, muslims refer to the Quran.

Armageddon. Now what exactly is that myth! Is it a myth? No one knows really but it has been used to exploit the above concepts to convince so many people worldwide that they are engaged in various modern conflicts tailor made by the creator to end life as we know it.

(to be continued)

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