

You see folks, no human being could heal the problem between the Sunni and the Shi'i. NONE.

God works in mysterious ways and we must wonder about the mysterious weathers and such shouldn't we? Oh, we should.


The real genocide of muslims more or less (excluding the Jewish pogrom against Palestinians in the 1940s) began here, in Iran/Iraq. It ended with victory. All Shi'i battles do, one way or another. The victory that has been granted to all muslims now cannot be measured. The years ahead will plague each and every decent person on the planet and WHO CARES ABOUT the others! You can keep them on your side and in your armies. We don't need people who are insane, drunk, confused or hostile to people simply because they believe in God.

All Muslim eyes are now fully open. Those that aren't weren't true faithful believers in Allah and the will of Allah in the first place. Did I not warn just about everyone I knew that this would be the case when 'mercenaries' blew up the Shi'i mosque in Iraq? You know, my husband's young niece viewed this atrocity in a dream. Wow. As soon as I heard her dream, I knew what it was...and so did her mother. You see, we muslims are given special dreams. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. My first one was in front of a cave and a huge fireball descended upon me and the only thing I could do was bow down and submit to Allah. That was long ago before I ever entertained the idea of praying or real faith. So long ago. And last night...I had a bad dream which I cannot relate. I am not allowed to. I don't even understand it but when I do...I'll let you know. Heralds and warners....well....we don't get information about the Ghaib or, world of the unseen save for a few bits and pieces and most of the time, they are only retroactive in nature. Not prophetic until the time comes when we understand what we have been shown. Save for that dream in which I was told to awaken in order to save some children that were about to die and woke to find we were all suffering from gaz (propane) asphyxiation. Now that one was prophetic and life saving...the others....symbolic. Anyway...off on my usual metaphysical tangents. Happens all the time. ALL the time folks.

You people are witnessing a HOLOCAUST close up. Very. And, if you sympathize with the Zionists, you are a NAZI. No more and no less. They taught you what one looked like...now look again! Obsessed with killing in cowardly ways from the sky and not face to face.

What is Israel's plan? Oh easy. One just has to look at their other pogrom against the Palestinians in the 1940s. THEY ARE GOING TO DESTROY EVERY DOMICILE IN SOUTHERN LEBANON, INCLUDING MINE SO THAT THE PEOPLE CANNOT RETURN TO LIVE THERE. Wow, you'd have to be a moron to miss this one!

But people will. People in the world are generally bigots. Ask any African American. They will tell you and if only Malcolm X was alive. If only.

When you watch your TV now, if you are a decent person, a believer, you will be horrified at the lies. What will it make a person do? Oh, probably nothing. Because Americans have been mentally poisoned, brainwashed and terrorized by their own murderous government. EVEN the Anti Bush crowd whose real reason to hate Bush isn't at all about the real deal. It is because most of them are secularists who hate God. No more and no less. They too, will be mute, blind and paralysed. Sad.

But anyway. I hope and PRAY that they take my house and handle all my possessions. Get their fingerprints all over everything. All over it. I'm saying al'ham'du'lillah. Thank you Allah for forcing me to give a loan to the cause that has been repeated throughout time.

So....in other news...Mel Gibson. Oh really? Like no one knew he was a raging antisemitic arse?
I mean come on folks...his father is WELL known. Vehement bigot against JEWS. Made that movie and now, for some curious reason, he is tailed by a Jewish cop. Imagine my surprise. Imagine my complete surprise.


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