
Calling All Devils


Alvarez said the Christian Coalition, which Robertson no longer leads, claims some 2 million members and helped jump-start President Bush's 2000 presidential campaign after his New Hampshire primary loss.

"Robertson has been one of this president's staunchest allies," he said.

Well, you see...this sort of mud slinging needs a bit of a memory so that discussion isn't limited to: Iran, he was seen with an Iranian!

Let's go back to Liberia eh?


None of this, however, sits well with Pat Robertson. In broadcasts of his 700 Club program, Robertson has criticized President Bush's call for Taylor to step down, has praised Taylor as a "fellow Baptist," and has accused the State Department of being the real cause of Liberia's problems. To quote Robertson's own words:

So we're undermining a Christian, Baptist president to bring in Muslim rebels to take over the country. And how dare the president of the United States say to the duly elected president of another country, 'You've got to step down.'

So why is Pat Robertson such a big fan of Liberia's President Charles Taylor? What you won't hear much about on Robertson's shows is the fact that he has a huge financial interest in Liberia. Under Taylor's regime in 1999, Robertson negotiated an $8 million investment in a gold mining venture. A new government may or may not honor Robertson's claims - if they don't, he'll be out an awful lot of cash.

and hohoho...this is the crap they believe and teach:

Under the United Nations they (the Lebanese army) were suppose to come down and occupy that southern sector that Israel withdrew from. After Israel withdrew Hizbullah came into the gap. I think they persecuted the Christians. They made it difficult for them to exist. I am very familiar with the people and the situation. We ran a television station there for 18 years.


Um, Pat....you missed a detail there. Hezbollah FORCED this evil occupier out of Lebaon. Israel didn't just 'voluntarily' leave and open up this crazy power vacuum. What a bonehead. And, just an FYI, Hezbollah prides itself on never turning a gun on anyone in Lebanon except the rival faction of Shi'i called the Amal militia which, at the time the fight broke out, were heinously murdering Palestinians...therefore, Hezbollah was "self policing' its own power junkies headed by Speaker of the House, Nabih Berri. All those wounds have long healed however and Nabih Berri is the official "go between" for Hezbollah as Israel and the US don't "negotiate" with terrorists. If anyone was persecuted, it was folks like me who kept having to walk by your damn bookshops in downtown and see your bright shining peaceful faces trying to colonize using a worn out and bigoted religious philosophy emanating from post colonial (we miss our slaves) Alabama.

So, if some guy tried to off me, I might say, Devil:

http://www.alternet.org/story/24747 This Ron, is not about GDP pal. Your assumptions are what you think happens to muslims in terms of "reading" into a situation some divine ordinance...you as well suffer the "transposition" of your Marxist idealisms and relate things to this that have little bearing on the CAUSE. Those are SYMPTOMS of international interventionism and you need to make note of it. But that would require you as well to discuss those 9 glocks in the Mexican congress during Clinton's "regime" and that would require a memory longer than the last BJ Reyes blog entry.

I've believed for a long time that getting rid of Chávez is a priority for Bush and Cheney. After all, they supported the coup attempt against him back in 2002.

Here are some of the underlying issues: Venezuela is a big supplier of oil to the United States, and Chávez has threatened to cut off supplies. He's also seeking back taxes from foreign oil companies, threatening to boot them out if they don't pay up. He is an outspoken critic of Bush and an admirer of Castro. And he has expressed sympathy with guerrillas in Colombia and with the nonviolent movement in Bolivia against globalization.

http://www.rethinkvenezuela.com/downloads/ciamemo.htm Bush literally INVITES terrorism into the USA:

“Let me share with you the administration's thoughts about what's taking place in Venezuela. It remains a somewhat fluid situation. But yesterday's events in Venezuela resulted in a change in the government and the assumption of a transitional authority until new elections can be held. The details still are unclear. We know that the action encouraged by the Chávez government provoked this crisis. The results of these events are now that President Chávez has resigned the presidency. According to the best information available, the Chávez government suppressed peaceful demonstrations … The results of these events are now that President Chávez has resigned the presidency. Before resigning, he dismissed the vice president and the cabinet, and a transitional civilian government has been installed. .. That is what took place…”


According to Venezuelan media reports, Perez Recao, who is known for hisweakness for fast cars, weapons and hunting, was in charge of a securityfirm that employed agents of the Israeli secret service Mossad.


But this news was not particularly astonishing either: The Rambo impersonator who personally guarded Carmona was Marcelo Sarabia, linked to security entities and companies—one of them a Mossad franchise—and known to boast of spending nights in the U.S. Embassy bunker.

The U.S. intelligence newsletter STRATFOR.com accused the CIA of “having knowledge of the (coup) plans, and of possibly helping the ultraconservative civilians and military officials who unsuccessfully tried to gain power over the interim government,” and cited members of the [right-wing Catholic organization] Opus Dei and officials linked to retired Gen. Rubén Pérez Pérez (son-in-law of former President Rafael Caldera) as participants in the coup.

I wonder what the Pope thinks of Opus Dei? Hmmm. Seems he doesn't speak of Catholics like he does of others. Isn't that against the ten commandments or something? Do unto others, Judge not lest ye not be, etc? Oh bother, the man is evil i.e. the Pope. One doesn't have to be a muslim to see that. It is in his eyes.

And as these little brats were gettin' out of Dodge, they left behind a few documents:

“1. Given that the United States signed and fully supports the Interamerican Democratic Charter, which condemns any violation of constitutional rule, it is necessary that the transition currently under way in Venezuela, which [the United States] understands and sympathizes with, conserve constitutional structures. To this end, it considers it to be indispensable that the National Assembly ratifies the resignation by President Chávez, and that if an appeal is made to the Supreme Court, that it also rules affirmatively....He indicated that not only were they [U.S. authorities] obliged to adhere to provisions in the Democratic Charter, but they are also subject to legal norms that make it necessary to report to Congress any rupture in constitutional legality in any country in the hemisphere and eventually suspend all cooperative activities.

Oh, we could go on for hours like this. The DEVIL is in the DETAILS but who has the time or energy to do anything but say the GDP is such and such. What a waste of time Silliman's politics are and the audacity of him to assume Chomsky is in his league of beleaguered Middle School Language poets and that load of institutional crap. Gimme a break already. This stuff is elementary research pardner. It's not even hidden.

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