


So much for those ovipositor jokes eh?



...and since the year 2000, 40,000 people have defected from the US armed services.


"I feel that if a soldier is given an order that he knows to not only be illegal, but immoral as well, then it his responsibility to refuse that order," he wrote in response to e-mailed questions from the San Angelo Standard-Times. "It is also my belief that if a soldier is refusing an order he knows to be wrong, it is not right for him to face persecution for it." Brandon Hughey from Texas.

Clifford Cornell Cliff Cornell, from Arkansas, was stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia. He joined the Army with the promise from a military recruiter that he would receive a $9,000 sign up bonus and job training. “Ninety per cent of what the recruiters tell you is a pack of lies,” said Cliff. Army recruitment techniques amount to entrapment, targeting young men from poor families, said Cornell. His unit was to be deployed to Iraq just after Christmas. On January 8th, Cliff arrived in Toronto seeking asylum.

Blame Canada! - South Park, the Movie...or as I do, blame Zionism for creating a new kind of refugeeism...the kind where people don't want to fight in order to bring civil wars to muslims.

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