
You see, there is no peace without resolution. Some Jews think like me believe it or not.

Now that is just crazy and most likely, a surprise to areligious individuals...the doubters and detractors, the whining poets of NC and "help me find some please"...oh God...what an individual! What a complete stranger to dignity!

But this Uri is quite right and quite alright by me. However we know it is impossible as things stand right now with IsUNreal still blockading an entire country trying to convince it to go to war with itself....the crops in Lebanon are failing and no one to tend them and no water to tend with. You see they have no fuel in Lebanon to pump water and there may be starvation soon.


"The Zionist movement has planted a foreign body in this country, which was then a part of the Arab-Muslim space. The inhabitants of the country, and the entire Arab region, rejected the Zionist entity. Meanwhile, the Jewish settlement has taken roots and become an authentic new nation rooted in the country. Its defensive power against the rejection has grown. This struggle has been going on for 125 years, becoming more violent from generation to generation. The last war was yet another episode."

And Clinton, Bush, Ford, et.al. are just ugly commas to it all. That is what I know. This war is a religious one and the ugly commas lie all the time about their own...simultaneously raising their kids "well" and leaving the poor folk called the masses to their own slavish devices. You see...they reserve "religion" for themselves and sell the public, a new can of worms under every administration. Clinton there who divested Americans of their right to Habeus Corpus..playing good cop and bad cop. They are all bad if you ask me. Like Ralph Nadar is quoted: A duopoly. And I might add, a duopoly monopoly on bigotry.

And they will: Tell it to the ancient judge when it comes time to swap war stories. On that, you can bet.

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