
Index to Nature (3): folly, caretaking, commerce; Species: varied, human; Level: gallantry, speciousness, eloquence; Rating: Extreme, generalized with emotive factors available in all but empty quadrants occupied by dark matter known as 'night', gathered in public domains without permissions.


Carmenisacat said...

Alas, grainy d/t the ASA @ 800...shutter speeds mostly 1/15 and less, almost bulb.

Amazing, you can shoot 35mm, fully manual in low light conditions without a digital! For 2.84 the film is loaded (sloppy margins) to a CD for all eternity. No prints to leave behind when a hostile racist country invades and drops cluster bombs on you and your loved ones...just grab up your CDs and run.

I do wonder though at my extensive slide collections I left in the south. I was only able to abscond with the Mexico books, the Lebanon slides and some historical family photos. Oh well.

And nine full frame 8x12s from Ektachrome, Kodachrome and "other" on their way from Jones Photo in Tucson.

35mm is becoming the archaic's choice. I'll never change.

And that kid...boy she was convinced I was stealing her soul but I did tell her I'd be responsible with it.

Carmenisacat said...

Oh yeah...hand held. The human tripod is made by forming a V with the elbows upon the breasts (if you have them)...you hold your breath as you prepare to depress the shutter.

Carrying a tripod annoys me but I will carry one for someone else...like Radical Ann.
